Jun 26, 2014 21:20
Gacharic Spin announced that they'll be doing another gig in Tokyo while I'm there. It's part of a girls rock band event type of thing, seven bands are playing. I hope I'll be able to score a ticket, this seems like too much fun to pass up. Two of the other bands are familiar too, Tanaka Reina's LoVendoЯ and HP's THE ポッシボー are playing the same gig so ... I haven't listened to any LoVendoЯ or THE ポッシボー, but I keep hearing that they are worth checking out.
The show is at Akasaka Blitz, and the place looks big and fancy. Despite my interest in idols and jrock, I haven't really been to any concerts in Japan (one H!P concert and one Gacharic Spin concert...) xD; I assume it's still not possible to order tickets online on l-tike and have them e-mailed or mailed to me in Norway, right? Japan tends to suck/be awesome that way.
We'll see. I can always run to a Lawson ticket machine first thing when I land, like I did when I saw the H!P Summer tour (Fancora!) a couple of years back XD
I still haven't looked up events or things to see/do in Tokyo this summer. You'd think I'd have this down by now, but I still don't really know where to go for this sort of information. There must be some sort of event schedule somewhere. Feel free to drop me a link if you have any tips :D
What would you go see if you were to visit Tokyo this summer?