Feb 28, 2013 00:30
A Clockwork Orange. It's been a while since I saw this last, still it's one of those films where I know most of the dialogue by heart because I've listened to it so many times. If my mood theme wasn't enough of an indication, I can say that I've seen this film ... many, many, many times before. I used to put on films when I did homework after school, and this became somewhat of a favourite of mine because of the absolutely amazing soundtrack. It was great seeing this on the big screen, the copy was in pretty good shape too! I'm very pleased.
I can't believe I've never noticed the dentures in the glass that Deltoid drinks out of when he visits Alex, though. What a completely bizarre scene. WHOSE TEETH ARE THOSE? WHY WERE THEY LEFT BEHIND? HOW HAVE I NOT NOTICED THIS BEFORE? :| HOW HOT IS MALCOLM MCDOWELL IN THIS FILM
.... oh.
The Norwegian subtitles on this were absolutely amazing. Truly enjoyable translations, and very creative language throughout! I was eager to see what the subtitles would be like, since the language in this is ... quite something else. Even the swear words had a natural flow to them, which is pretty rare in subtitles. Weird!
I guess this is also where I mention something about wondering how this film would have fared had it been released for the first time for today's audience. An audience that apparently can't even handle childish boob jokes. I WORRY FOR THE FUTURE.
film babble