Jul 02, 2012 17:28
This weekend was all about gaming. I completed a play through of Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers, which I had a complete blast playing through again. I've played it once before, but it's been ages now. Couldn't remember much apart from the overall theme (Voodoo, New Orleans, and mystery~~~), and the fact that Tim Curry voices the main character.
11 points away from a perfect score? Well, that's not too bad. Really curious about where those remaining 11 points can be found, and even more curious if this score is better or worse than my first play through. I'd like to think that this play through was better.
There is nothing quite like a well executed point and click adventure game. Why the genre wasn't properly revived when the DS first came around remains a mystery. At least we've got these good old classics to turn to when other games get too much.
Anyone else played this game?
In addition to Gabriel Knight, I've also been playing Dragon's Dogma, which I find myself enjoying more and more as I get further into it. The pawn system works fantastically well, and the quests are varied and fun to do. The Difficulty level seems a bit uneven in places, though. I am currently at level 22, and completely stuck because no matter where I go, random and not so random groups of bandits decide to jump me, and for some reason I'm completely unable to deal with them. So I need to work on that, I guess.
Skyrim never managed to hook me (I think I've logged about an hour's worth of playtime on it?), but Dragon's Dogma is something else. It's everything I hoped Skyrim would be, and more. It's also one of very few open world games that I find myself enjoying - though I can't pinpoint exactly why.
I play it on PS3, anyone else playing? Let's exchange pawns :D
Now on to play The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery. The cinematic gameplay is a bit off putting, but I'm willing to give it a go 8D Too bad Tim Curry no longer plays the main character! Great loss.
game babble,