It's been ages since I read any Discworld novels, and I've only read three or four of them... but that didn't stop me from enjoying the hell out of this board game we picked up a while back.
Discworld: Ank-Morpork Those minion pieces totally look like LJ userheads, no? Christian went all "DON'T CALL THEM USERHEADS" at me 8D *LJ dork*
It's an extremely fun (and quick!) 2 to 4 player game featuring beautiful artwork and witty gameplay. It kind of felt like Munchkin, expect with a board. Though I might be wrong on that observation, because I haven't played Munchkin in... ages. Anyway, I had a lot of fun - and since it's so quick to set up and play through, we'll probably play this a lot. Yay!
We're currently preparing to set up an evening of more Discworld fun, we're going to play the
Discworld point and click adventure game. Rincewind is voiced by Eric Idle! I know I've played this game before, but I don't think I ever completed it.
So yeah... games, books, and films. That's been my weekend. We've gotten a lot of snow, and the temperature has dropped considerably these last couple of weeks. I don't want to go outside unless I really, really have to. Please to be spring soon? :/ At least the days are getting longer. Actual sunlight? What?