Once again, welcome to all the people I've just added @_@! Go check out my
intro post if you want to know more about me, and please feel free to comment with a self intro! :D
Haha my body is so confused. I was up until 2AM last night (day off, yeahhhhh), then decided that getting up at 7AM like normal today would be an absolutely awesome thing to do, since I was assigned the "late" shift at work and didn't have to be in until 10AM. It would give me time to waste on LJ, have a proper breakfast and maybe even other things~!
I ended up sitting on the couch struggling to keep upright. From 7AM until 9AM. Feeling dizzy, hungry and nauseous all at the same time 8Db Realised we didn't have any breakfast foods, decided to wait it out and stop by the store before work. Eventually got to the store and discovered they had NO sandwiches or anything remotely breakfast-y. No food deliveries were made because of the public holiday yesterday. Twiss is smart. Even the 7/11 at the underground station were out of things to eat, and the few sandwiches that were there all had a best before date of June 2. Lol. Yes, I think not.
So I had a sickly sweet chocolate bun for breakfast. My stomach has been hating me ever since @_@;
But know what? NOW IT'S WEEKEND AND TIME OFF AGAIN! 8D My body literally doing double takes of '.... aw man, you're going to keep me up until at least 2AM again, aren't you? Fuuuuuu'. Mwahahahahahaha.
Christian has started going through all the negatives and slides from last year's trip to Japan. Slowly scanning and uploading things of interest~ It's so much fun going through these pictures again, it makes me ache to go back... but at least we have these wonderful pictures to feed our day dreams for now. I'll be sure to share my favourite shots with you as they get scanned and uploaded ;D
From Shinjuku gyoen national garden.
Taken at the mountain shrine we hiked to during our day trip to Nikko ♥