Kanskje det er håp

Apr 18, 2011 22:24

I went and saw Jeg reiser alene (I Travel Alone) at the cinema yesterday (ironically I went and saw it alone xD ). It's the sequel to Mannen som elsket Yngve, a film that hit me so hard, I'm still recovering :P

Jeg reiser alene is based on the third novel about Jarle Klepp, the main character from Mannen som elsket Yngve. This really bummed me out, because the second novel, Kompani Orheim, is by far the best novel in the series. I was horrified when I heard they skipped over the second novel in favor of the third, which was a book I frankly really didn't care for at all.

In Jeg reiser alene Jarle is 25, he lives in Bergen where he studies literature at the university. Then one day he gets a letter from a girl he had a drunken affair with in Mannen som elsker Yngve. Basically, surprise, he's a dad, and hey, could you please take care of the kid for a week? Ok thnx bai. Cue lots of drama and angsting. The reason I didn't enjoy the novel was because... well frankly the whole "wow, I'm a father?"-theme didn't grab me at all. I couldn't sympathize, and the kid annoyed the hell out of me. It also didn't help that the good old Jarle we got to know in the two previous novels seemed to have disappeared completely. All he cares about is his studies, and he keeps on babbling about literature a lot. They toned down this aspect of Jarle a whole lot for the film, but it's still in there. Thank god Jarle is still recognisable in the film... though I suspect it's mostly because of Rolf Kristian Larsen's warm portrayal of him.

I think I enjoyed the film more than the novel, even though they'd left out a whole bunch of details (or perhaps because of it?). The film moved so fast it did feel very rushed to the extent that some of the emotional reactions didn't quite make sense :/ Ah well. I don't understand how they could go ahead with this before Kompani Orheim, I know you shouldn't compare books with films (different media, different story blahblah), but Kompani Orheim is filled with backstory that's quite important in order to understand Jarle's reaction to the situation he finds himself in in Jeg reiser alene (not to mention his mother's reaction). Uuuugh. Yeah. I don't think I'll bother getting this on dvd when it comes out, which is a shame. I want to like it! Ending and end credits are awesome, though ;D Hjerteknuser is on the soundtrack! Very nice surprise.

But then yesterday I found out that they are doing a film version of Kompani Orheim. Different director, though. But Rolf Kristian Larsen is still set to appear... seems they've got Kristoffer Joner to play his father, which is frickin lolarious, since the father was played by a completely different actor in Mannen som elsket Yngve, and Kristoffer Joner had a cameo appearance as the gay hair dresser that gives Jarle a Duran Duran make-over... XD;;;;;; uuuuhm. Sooooo, it'll be interesting to see how that plays out :P

... sorry, fan babbling. Just needed to get it out there.

Whaaa. This week is looking out to be quite awesome :D And it's still Monday 8D. A Game of Thrones premiered last night, I participated in a viewing party with fellow JPH!P peeps after work today, and the show did not disappoint. I might want to re-watch the first episode before seeing the second one 8Db
.. aaand PORTAL 2 IS OUT TOMORROW. FUKU YEAH~! I've been waiting for this for what feels like forever, dear god XDDDD;

Then on Wednesday, Christian and I hop into a rental car and drive on out into the middle of nowhere Sweden, where we'll be staying until Sunday. Easter vacation, yayyy~! Work has been absolutely crazy lately, it'll be nice with a little break ^^;

fandom, film babble

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