I guess it's starting to dawn on me that our time here in Japan will be over soon for now D: I don't want to leave~ It felt surreal being back, and it feels surreal thinking about going home. It feels like I've just gotten back into the swing of things here, and now we have to leave in a couple of days? :( Not cool. xD;;; It's also weird to think that the last time I was heading home from Japan, I was counting days because I was looking forward to going home, and not because I was dreading it. I guess I was homesick. Tired of strict teachers, language confusion, and being alone. And even though I experienced a pretty rough reversed culture shock when I got back home, I didn't picture myself ever going back. Not really. I felt pretty fed up with the place... funny how things change xD; I feel I could have lived here now :P ... aaah we always want what we can't have, I guess. xD
Anyway, so we're spending this last weekend making sure we get to do everything we wanted to do while here. We got out early and took our time strolling around various areas. Started out in Shinjuku, walked to Harajuku, and then Shibuya where we caught the train to Ochanomizu and walked back to Akiba, which kind of feels like our home base, I guess xD;;;
I took lots of pictures with my Cheki ♥
Oh, oh and in Shinjuku! They've set up this "guerilla" hANGRY&ANGRY store on the street outside of Alta (which btw is a pretty hilarious name for a store when you're form Norway xDDD). I bought a t-shirt there yesterday, and walking past today we saw tons of people lined up all around it. Then a car with blackened windows parks right next to it and some guy gets out surrounded by security guards. The crowd goes absolutely NUTS @_____@;;; I've never seen anything like it. I didn't really get a good look at the guy in question, but I'm guessing it must have been h.NAOTO himself? Hahaha. Either way, it was pretty wild 8D
Food adventures:
I finally got to try a crazy ice-cream flavour! xD You often hear about how they've got weird ice-cream flavours in Japan... too be honest I haven't found too many places that offer weird flavours, but found a place that had black sesame flavoured soy soft cream today! It was delicious @_@!!!! Omnomnom :DDD
Had lunch at the fancy
Apartment Cafe in Harajuku. I had cold pork over rice. Sounds... really weird, but it was surprisingly delicious. A light meal perfect for hot days like this ♥ It was covered in a sweet sauce and came with a salad too.
You'll see Christian wearing glasses in this post. They are in fact sunglasses, and I picked them out for him 8D They look awesome, no? :DDD
Shinjuku Gyouen from
Twissie on
I bought a decora set from Yodobashi. Omg so adorable. They've got tons of stuff in this series @_@; You can buy kits (like I did) in various themes, or separate parts to make your own creations. I was a bit lazy so I just copied the pictures on the box ^^;; Some came out better than others. Been a while since I piped cream last :P So much fun, though *_____*;;; Maybe I'll see if I can order some of these sets online when I get back home xD;;;