Christian and I spent the day taking pictures~ I've suddenly gone completely analogue, so I have no pictures to show you right now, but just wait until Monday 8D Ohohohoho. I have three rolls of film waiting to be developed, I'm positively giddy with excitement~
By the way, yes that is my new Drug hanging around my neck in that picture~ we picked it up today, and it's such a great camera @_@; I'm loving it. Have to wait until I see the pictures to pass complete judgement on it, but you know... hopefully I got some good shots out of the film I shot today. Everything worked fine on it (once we... figured out how stuff worked, olol), so I'm hoping for good results. Definitely want to take more pictures with it!
Aaand, if you ever want to join us on any of our photowalks, please do! We've got equipment you could borrow if you don't have a camera of your own. We could even develop and scan the pictures for you afterwards 8D So you guys have no excuse really. Please come join us~~ pleaseeee T_T