Two exam results in, one to go. Really annoyed that my Dutch exam result is the one I have to wait for. I probably need to pass Dutch I in order to take Dutch II, so aah. Gimme results, plz, I'd like to know if I've completely screwed this up or not 8D.
I'm surprised to see that 16 people failed the translation exam. What? Maybe they just ran out of time and couldn't answer all the questions? :/ I got a B, which I'm very happy with. I was expecting a C, maybe a D. I remember feeling like I didn't do as well as I could have done after I'd finished the exam, so a B is more than okay.
I got an E in human geography 8D Yeaaaaah. But it was to be expected. I found the subject incredibly interesting, and I did read all the required reading... but nothing really stuck, and while I'm able to talk broadly about the theories and principles involved, I'm no good at defining certain terms or discussing changes in urbanisation etc. which was what we were asked to do on our exam :P I'm glad I passed, though. 10 more credits! 8D I only need 15 more to have qualified for a bachelor degree, and I'll get 20 if I pass my Dutch exam (grrr results now plz) soooo... But graduating from university with an unspecified bachelor degree seems rather... pointless. Which is why I'm going back for yet another semester to finish up the Dutch (so that I can get a Japanese language bachelor degree). University. It is complicated.
I went in to Oslo with my mom and had my bunad adjusted today. Or rather delivered it for adjusting. FINALLY. It's been bugging me since... forever. It fits well, but it's way too long for me. Sweeping the ground while walking around in your most expensive piece of clothing doesn't feel too good, so huzzah to finally getting that fixed.
I leave you with some links;
Al Jazeera English covering worldwide protests on Gaza, picture from yesterday's peace march in Oslo and mention of riots.
Holocaust denied: the lying silence of those who know, an article I enjoyed reading.
How Israel brought Gaza to the brink of humanitarian catastrophe, Oxford professor of international relations Avi Shlaim served in the Israeli army and has never questioned the state's legitimacy. But its merciless assault on Gaza has led him to devastating conclusions
Also passing on info that there's a demonstration taking place in Oslo tomorrow. Come and show your support!
Fra en løpeseddel jeg fikk ute idag:
"De bombet det sentrale grønnsaksmarkedet i Gaza by for to timer siden. 80 skadde, 20 drept, alt kom hit til Shifa. Hades! Vi vasser i død, blod og amputanter. Masse barn. Gravid kvinne. Jeg har aldri opplevd noe så fryktelig. Nå hører vi tanks. Fortell videre, send videre, rop det videre. Alt. GJØR NOE! GJØR MER! Vi lever i historieboka nå, alle!"
- Mads, Gilbert, SMS fra Gaza 4. januar
La Gaza leve!
Bli med og demonstrer
Israel utviser nå et ufattelig barbari! Til nå er over 500 palestinere i Gaza myrdet (siste tall fra Al Jazeera viser at det er over 760 døde palestinere). Mange hundre er lemlestet for livet. Flere tusen er skadet. Det er viktig å holde presset oppe! Vi må fortsette å vise vår motstand mot massakrene.
Gaza blør!
Lørdag 10. Januar - 14:00 ved Stortinget.
Tilslutta så langt: Palestinakomiteen, Fellesutvalget for Palestina, Norsk Folkehjelp, Palestinsk Forening, Rødt, SV, RU, SU, AUF, Blitz, Muslim Unity, TF, RKU, El og It, LO i Oslo, Oslo Grafiske Fagforening, ATTAC, Heismontørenes fagforening, PRESS - Redd Barna Ungdom. Flere kommer.