Dec 03, 2008 15:45
I had a near panic attack about my upcoming human geography exam today @_@; What the christ. The whole subject is rather... vague. Incredibly interesting, but... vague. Everything is explained as being part of a complicated process, so I'm not really looking forward to being asked to define terms and models for my exam. I feel like I've got a basic overview over what we've learnt, but I also feel like I don't know enough to be able to answer concrete questions about specific parts of the curriculum. Aaah.
On the other hand, it's not an important subject for my degree. It's not really part of my degree at all, I just chose it because it seemed interesting (which indeed it was). So I guess I shouldn't be too stressed out about it. I should quite honestly focus on dealing with Dutch instead, as I really, really need to pass my Dutch exam this semester @_@;
Had my class sign-ups approved this morning! I'm all set to have a very... Dutch semester when January rolls around. As long as I pass my Dutch exam this semester, I mean <,<;; I should be able to do that, right? D:
I started looking into what it takes to change my bachelor degree (finally), and it seems like such a daunting task @_@; I need to go to my old upper secondary school and get certified copies of my final marks, etc. etc. Deadline for that application is on the 15th of April, so waaaay off still... but not really looking forward to having to deal with all that again. It was confusing when I first applied, and it seems even more confusing now (plus now I don't have a helpful school counsellor to run to with my questions!).
In other news; is down, so all the pictures and other things I had hosted there are down for the time being. Not quite sure when I'll get it back up, but it'll be restored eventually. Having an LJ with no header is sad :/ I don't have time or energy to mess about with making a new one, though XD Header-less LJ it is!
study study study,