~*~ Happy Birthday
nightmarenights! ~*~
Weekend has been good.. and rather long, even though it felt short. My head is all weird and I should be in bed.
Saturday marked one year since the Placebo concert O_o hm.. yesh.. time does fly by :)
I'm feeling bored and slightly annoyed. And you guys post like mad cows so I don't really feel like commenting on anybody at the moment. Bah to you!
I want school to be over. I want to go to school tomorrow and be told that the exams are over and that I did very well.. ah yes.. that would have been perfect... but nooo. My exams starts on Thursday. And for those wondering, no I didn't get picked for any written exams. Now you need to cross your fingers for me on the 10th of June.. then the oral exams will be decided. Bleh.
I want new LJ layout.