Apr 15, 2004 18:00
I got 5- on the English test that I thought went straight down the drain O_o I like surprises like that, even though I'm not completely happy with the grade :/ We started reading "Of Mice And Men" today. I was the only one who asked if I could read the regular version of the book and not the easy-read which is full of pictures and questions halfway through the text.. ugh. Just looking at the easy-read version gave me headaches XD
So we spent two English classes today reading. But were I allowed to just quietly sit by myself and read my book? Noooo.
Every teacher in our school has been given a laptop. Yes, even Barbra.. O_o oh the horror -.-;; And of course, my English teacher wanting to be all young, hip and trendy always brings it to class. Today I learned what she does :P She needed help. I did not know that she had no clue whatsoever about anything that has to do with computers, and I consider myself to be quite a retard when it comes to computers so I was sort of unsure if I was going to be able to help her or not ^^;; then I saw her "problem" First of all she wanted to know why the computer wasn't showing any webpages. I asked if she had opened Explorer(sort of meant as a joke at first).. "What's that?" was her reply, and she really didn't know.. mmm fun. XD
I spent the rest of those two classes trying to make her understand how to work her e-mail account XD *laughs* I wanted to go back to my seat and read, but then she grabbed my arm and said "Nooo, don't leave me now!". I was scared and showed her how to reply to a e-mail once more.. XD At the end of the class she gave me a huge smile and told me what a nice girl I am ^______^ *snort, giggle*
Saturday I'll have to go to some art gallery i Oslo, as one of my crazy teachers is having an exhibition there with his own paintings. 21 of them. It's free and the postcard we was given with one of his paintings printed onto it looked really good. So I want to go. Anyone who wants to join me?
Wihii.. on May 3rd I've been going to anime evening for 2 years! XD I'll have to celebrate :P Eek, yes I still remember that day. It was a Saturday.. and it was Nipponcon, not actually anime evening at all, but whatever.... Not finding the place, moping about, not really wanting to go in when we finally found it because the people seemed way too scary ^^; I remember how we found the right building.. *giggle* we spotted a guy through a window. He was making toast. "It's here!" I said, went to the door.. and I was right O___o which was frightening, but at least we found it XD
I bought the corset.. and funky socks :D :D *happy*
upper secondary school,
good thoughts