Liker Du Mat?

Feb 09, 2004 08:34

I've been so happy and energetic today I think I even managed to annoy myself, but not really :)

I'm so proud of myself! *glows* I handed in three huge assignements for school today ^^ I'm the only one to have finished two of the assignements so I get plusses and compliments and pets on the head and I feel so good right now ^______^ *points and laughs at everybody in her class who hasn't completed the assignements yet* XD

I had 70 mails in my inbox. Haven't checked it since Thursday though.

I applied for next years school courses today. Hope my first choice will come through. Then I'm back at Oppegård and will get more sleep.. uhm but more stress ^^;; Don't really care I won't have to take the train every day :P I'll miss some of the people there though :/ But.. Oppegård! so close! *points* It's like I can see it from here.. just have to move those houses and that church and those trees out of the way and I can see Oppegård *nods*

HAPPY ^_______^

just in case you didn't get it the first time ^^;;

upper secondary school, good thoughts, love

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