Title: Shifting Colours, part 3
celticlongingFandom: Fifty Shades trilogy
Rating: PG, because it talks about Christian Grey
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1981
gehayi and
ketmakura’s sporking of Fifty Shades Darker
Summary: Carrick faces some unpleasant truths.
Author’s Note: I don’t own anything from Fifty Shades. Everything else is my own invention. AU.
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Comments 3
I love the new depth added to your world. (I'm getting that warm colors are generally negative or at the very least active emotions, and I love the way that this world takes such a subtle and varied approach to these psychic gifts.) The integration of Grey into your world makes absolute sense, and the creepin' factor of his existence has definitely just been turned up to eleven. (Headcanon accepted for your world: Taylor and, to an extent, Leila, are immune and Christian is not having this.)
Every time I think I see us going in the same general direction with our little headworlds, I snicker a bit. Who knew there was so much to build on?
Wow, thank you!
The nicest colours don't always mean the nicest emotions.
Gifts aren't always psychic; some are more physical.
I'm glad Grey's creepy factor has been turned up! That was the idea.
You're spot on about Taylor! He is immune (which is why Grey blackmailed him), but (as I hope I've shown) Carrick and Grace are not. Whether or not the Mendozas are remains to be seen.
There is a lot to build on! Hope you enjoy the next installment when it comes up.
Yeah, nice colors don't have to mean nice thoughts. And it seems like an interesting universe.
Taylor is just that awesome.
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