Title: Would You Come Into My Parlor
Author: albion_witch
Rating: G
Word Count: 327
Inspiration: I was thinking about a possible next entry at anti-bella when I kept thinking about Bella's lack of self-preservation and how easily she gives into temptation. I started imagining how she would fare against a certain villain. I won't say who, but read on and you will know.
Summary: She loves her children. She has a real funny way of showing it, though.
She was hungry when she first went through my door and I fed her. She told me how her mother never made such delicious meals back in Arizona and that her father couldn’t boil water to save his life.
Poor dear.
She told me about how she didn’t like the cold, wet weather of Washington and how she missed the warm colors of Phoenix. I told her to go out into the front yard while I go clean up. I still remember her gasps of delight as the sun shone brightly when she opened the door and the scents of many different flowers flooded into her nose.
What a happy girl.
Still smelling of flowers, she came back in and I led her to the room upstairs. The walls glowed like gold and the bed was covered in silvery blue comforter and sheets that sparkled like stars. She opened the wardrobe and gazed at the many gaily colored dresses, blouses, and trousers hanging in it.
“Is it all right?” she asked me. I nodded and she started pulling them out. She twirled for me in each of her sumptuous dresses of lace and satin and blouses of silk.
“You made all this for me?” she asked. I smiled.
“You could stay if you’d like,” I said.
“Could I be like you?”
What a sweet girl.
I took her back to the dining room and gave her a box wrapped with a gold ribbon. She opened it and looked curiously at the contents.
“It’s the first step,” I said.
“Will it hurt?”
“At first.”
Such a good daughter.
She barely made a sound when I sewed the buttons. It took her a while to grow accustom, groping for my hand to lead her through the house. She learned to enjoy the taste of beetles. She grew lean and pale like me. She barely made a fuss when I sent her to my other children.
Such a loving daughter.