Title: Wake-Up Call
inmhFandom(s): New Moon, Smallville
Rating: PG-13/T
Word Count: 3,062
Inspiration: Smallville is just so saturated with badass women who do not take crap from anyone (And yet still retain enough vulnerability to make them relatable), I had to do something with at least one of them kicking Bella’s ass. I’ve already got a massive
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However - holy POV whiplash, Batman! Are Clark and Lois somehow psychically linked? If so, might be wise to mention it. If not, I suggest you rewrite the odd sentences when, in a tale written almost entirely from her point of view, we suddenly find ourselves in his head instead.
EDIT: Fixed it! Does that look better?
He opened his mouth, then seemed to decide against getting involved...
Thank you so much for helping me out with this! :D
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