Title: Mine
Couple: Jasper / Edward
Prompt: #4 - Commitment
Word Count: 110
“Yes, Edward, commitment.”
“I don’t know the meaning of the word - except where you’re concerned.”
Worry creases Jasper’s brow. There’s one nagging thought at the back of his mind.
“But...what about Bella?” His teeth catch on his lower lip, nibbling. Edward stares.
“You have no reason to worry about her. It’s you I have eyes for - no one else.”
He stops chewing and smiles.
Edward grins back, lifting his lips in a smile that is part smirk and reserved for Jasper alone.
Jasper is the first to close the distance between them, pulling the taller man down gently until their lips meet.
“My Jasper.”
“My Edward.”