Title: Believing in You and Me
Couple: Jasper/Seth
Prompt: #41: quote 4
Word Count: 149
They sat on the muddy ground, well more like Jasper sat and Seth lay with his head in Jasper’s lap. Jasper’s fingers carded through his soaked hair slowly as the rain fell around them but neither cared. Jasper leaned over Seth, blocking the rain from hitting his face and Seth blinked his eyes open. He gave Jasper a blindingly bright smile.
“Tell me something.”
“What kind of something?”
Jasper thought for a moment. “Something…I know, tell me one thing, without a shadow of a doubt, that you believe.”
Seth continued to stare into those golden eyes as he thought. His smile faded a bit but still remained on his lips. Eventually it lit back up and Seth rose up just enough to press their lips together. A howl rose over the sound of the rain and their kiss broke.
“I believe in you and me,” he whispered.