Title: Welcome Home
Couple: Jasper/Seth
Prompt: #24: home
Word Count: 151
Jasper ran quickly through the trees. His eyes were bright from his hunt. Now that his hunger had been sated he just wanted to get home. The house meant nothing, the house wasn’t home, it was the people waiting for him that was home.
The house appeared through the trees and he smiled widely. A quick glance around told Jasper that Seth and Luka were sitting in the porch swing, the warm breeze slowly rocking them. As he got closer Jasper could tell that Luka was asleep in Seth’s arms and Seth was close to sleep himself.
Coming up behind the swing and gently caught it. Slowly he brought it to a stop. Seth didn’t even notice until Jasper’s lips were pressed against his own. Seth blinked slowly, smiling into the kiss when he realized what was happening. Jasper pulled away, pressing a kiss to Luka’s forehead.
“Welcome home,” Seth whispered.