Title: No Choice
Couple: Emmett/Sam
Prompt: #16 : Wolfpack
Word Count: 139
As a pack we knew things from each other that you sometimes didn’t even want to know. At times you wished that we couldn’t see each other thoughts. But eventually you get used to it.
Another thing was that when there was something you really needed to keep a secret, you almost couldn’t. For example, that you have imprinted again.
It was something no one had ever heard of before. But apparently it can happen. It wasn’t something that was accepted right away by the pack. In the end, they did. It wasn’t like he hadn’t given them any choice.
He had been grateful for his new imprint and the support the vampire and his family gave him. Now he was ready to go back to his own pack again.
Knowing he would be accepted back without any problem.
The End