Dear Britain,
You do know how to put on an entertaining election. Thumbs up! My sister predicts it'll be the subject of Peter Morgan's next project, which will be called simply Gordon. I nominate Stephen Rea to play the title role. And there's even a cameo for Michael Sheen! Well done.
David Dimbleby is my newscasting hero. I've only been tuning in occasionally, but every time he is on the ball and does not appear to be tiring at all, even at 5:30 am, after a long night of reading teleprompters and handing off to various field reporters. I hope I'm as sharp and persistent when I get to be that age (heck, I wish I were that sharp and persistent now). He got double points for reading out the tallies for the candidates of
Brighton Pavilion with a straight face. Reg Shoe would be proud.
Incidentally, re'watching' Series 3 of New Who at the height of Cleggmania was an excellent idea, though I didn't realize it till the finale.
Affectionately yours,
P.S. I still don't get the Swingometer.
P.P.S. I went to bed, and woke up, and turned on the news again, and Mr Dimbleby was still on.