The new drama on Radio 4 is quite good but it does make me miss Michael Williams, who used to play Watson opposite Clive Merrison. Well, lo and behold, Radio 7* has Ye Olde Series playing, so you can enjoy Michael Williams too!
The Engineer's Thumb - Evil Germans! Diabolical devices! Hairsbreadth escapes! Missing digits! Trains!
The Red-Headed League - which has the dubious distinction of being the only Holmes story they made us read in school, and which is (if I may be so bold) the most dull to read, and therefore put me off the series for years. Way to misrepresent the great stories and characters, curriculum setters.
The Man with the Twisted Lip - For some reason I picture the title character as Mark Williams (Mr Weasley).
The Five Orange Pips - Americans and their crazy transoceanic schemes!
The Noble Bachelor - Is it just me or did Doyle have a 'thing' about Americans? Specifically westerners. Maybe what he really wanted to write was Westerns but it was Holmes that paid the bills ...
*When did they switch from BBC7 to Radio 7? I remember they used to get all bashful when they mixed up the names before, and now they do the same thing but in reverse. Do they actually get broadcast on the actual radio now?