Title: The First Time (1/2)
Group: Arashi
Pairing/Genre: Sho/Nino; flufffffffff
Rating: PG?
Word Count: ~650
Summary: The first time Sho saw Nino, he knew he was in trouble.
Notes: Written for the meme
hurrrr (that I stole from someone else XD). Threeeee guesses who beta'd iiiiiit. XD (It was totes
lyricalidol.) Companion piece:
The First Time (2/2) •••••
The first time Sho saw Nino, he knew he was in trouble. Not because he'd done anything wrong, per se, but because Sho knew this kid was unlike anyone else he'd ever met. There was something sweet and insecure behind the crafty exterior and he was dying to touch it. Sho wanted to reach in and pull out that person - the person he would eventually laugh and cry with; the person he would hate one moment and adore the next; the person who would leave throat lozenges in his bag when his voice was getting scratchy, but never say a word about it. All of that was revealed to Sho in the quickest of flashing eyes. And it wasn't enough.
The first time Nino saw Sho, he knew he was in love. Maybe not in the traditional "I want to be with you forever" kind of love, but he knew it wouldn't be long before Sho was his friend, his confidant, his sloping shoulder to NOT cry on (because Nino simply did not allow himself to cry). The angry and awkward young man before him inspired something deep in Nino. He wanted to show him more. Wanted to make him see that he was more than just this noisy, snarky little brat who bossed people around and flopped where ever he could - regardless of whether there was a person already there.
The first time they held hands was about ten minutes after their first "hello." Nino's affectionate nature only came out when it suited him the most and being a relatively terrified new Junior, affection was deemed necessary. The order to line up, all 50 of them in 5 rows, rang out above the noisy teenage din. Nino's small hand grasped Sho's slender fingers tightly and dragged him to the back row. He didn't let go until dance practice started. Sho didn't want him to.
The first time Sho kissed Nino was almost an accident. He pretended it was an accident. He knew it wasn't. The summer of 1999 was hot and sticky and almost unbearable. Sho invited Nino over to play video games and relax in the air conditioning. He forgot, for one tiny moment, how much Nino hated to lose. He was reminded when he found himself pinned to the floor, Nino's eyebrows pulled together in irritation, voice strained as he demanded a rematch. Sho rolled, sliding a hand along Nino's ticklish ribs to elicit a giggle. They lay on the floor for a moment, both panting with laughter and the sudden movement, Sho gazing down at his friend. Sho's eyes widened for half a second before he dipped his head and brushed their lips together. Nino froze. Sho panicked. They both pretended it didn't happen.
The first time Nino kissed Sho was definitely not an accident. The memory of Sho's full lips lightly touching his own fueled his night time activities for months. He never thought it could be anything more than an accident, a moment that shouldn't have happened. Ohno became his new velcro. Sho got pushed away. Until the day Sho stumbled across Nino sitting in the hallway of the hotel, angry tears streaming down Nino's cheeks. Jun had said something cold about Nino's family again. Nino swore to himself when his father left that he'd never cry again. He lied. Nino looked into Sho's concerned face and couldn't stop himself. Keeping his eyes trained on Sho's, he stood slowly, cautiously. Sho's mouth started to say something consoling and helpful, but Nino didn't want to hear it. He crashed their lips together, all teeth and breath and just a little tongue. When they separated, Nino wasn't crying anymore.