Sep 05, 2004 11:20
Don't you ever have friends other other friends give you crap about being friends with that person?
hehe... let me rephrase.
Have you ever made a new friend, friend B, and your friend A nags on you for being friends with friend B? Because friend B has either a bad rep or has problems with people?
I have. Others would either agree with friend A or say friend A is jealous.
Sometimes, rumors even go around. And my response is simple, STFU!
Rumors spread because people who THINK they know something like to convince others that they can figure something out. But it's like, "If you do, leave MY business alone." I'm tired of hearing conversations start with "People are saying...," "People think...," "I heard..."
Tis quite annoying.
I mean I appreciate the fact that some bring it up to ask me if it's true for the source. But most times I'm just being told opinions that are served as "be careful, okay?" sort of thing. It bothers me so because it seems unfair, not to me but the the other person. I don't know. Maybe I'm ignorant and just naive. And maybe I'll learn later on that they were right and I am wrong. But where would I go if I always listened to them? It's not as if I have a risk of being raped or killed.
This is a confusing world.
I'll stop here.