half-dreams, I think I hear the whisper of your voice just beyond my reach

Feb 07, 2008 20:52

So tired. Replying to comments, trying to catch up with reading other people's fic. Probably failing all my tests. I'm in a thoughtful mood recently, and there could be lots of tl;dr again but I decided I'm actually too tired to do that right now. :|

Anyways, here's a meme. Do me please? :) ♥

☆ The Fanficcers Love Meme ☆

As a fanfiction writer, have you ever wondered what your 'winning' fic or your most well-loved fanfic is? Of course you do, sometimes :D. This meme is for fanficcers who want to know which of their works are others' favorites as well as for readers who want to show more appreciation to the fanficcers.

meme, public

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