I'm still waiting for you to hold my hand

Jan 16, 2008 18:31


Um. :D Welcome to all the people from the JE friending meme! ♥ Er, just so that you can all get to know me better, let's do this meme?

The problem with LJ: we all think we are so close, but really, we know nothing about each other. So I ( Read more... )

school, ilu all, jdrama, meme, public

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twirlingleaves January 19 2008, 18:00:56 UTC
I've never pulled an all-nighter either. It would be hard doing that at boarding school. Everyone in my dorm would probably complain, lol. And yeah, I tend to always finish them before bedtime. Or I just wake up extra-early to do it. I work well in the mornings! Especially since I know it's really really the last chance. HAHAHA I GOT CAUGHT, actually. Well. No, I didn't. I CONFESSED. Because the teacher knew it was the fire alarm in my dorm, so she asked everyone in my dorm whether they did it or not, and she said if no one confessed she'll have to punish everyone. So I admitted it. The teacher screamed at me, but I didn't get a detention.

I KNOW IT DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER. D: I have seeen several people stressing about getting into uni on my flist. And yeah, it's so hard deciding what you're actually going to do. And if you don't know what to do, you don't really know what to choose because you're scared you'll drop a subject which might actually turn out to be THE ESSENTIAL THING for you, and kasjdg;jasdkf I just don't know!

Um, so I need to take the core subjects: English, Maths, Science (planning on doing separate sciences, i.e. 3 GCSEs). And then my school forces us to do at least one European modern foreign languages, so I'm going to do Spanish (I WISH I DIDN'T HAVE TO THOUGH, but then I dislike French even more and those are the only two European modern languages I'm learning atm). And then I also want to take Latin, Ancient Greek, Religious Studies and History. And I wanted to do Art as well, but I've decided it'd be impossible to ever fit that in. SO YEAH.

You're so lucky cries I have Saturday morning school every week. ): I woke up at like 6am today to do my Religious Studies homework dies.


bumped January 19 2008, 18:50:58 UTC
LOLLL. I would probably confess too. Not that I would do it in the first place. Sdsadss.

Well I shouldn't be stressing too much since I've already gotten into one uni. And I am falling in love with it. BECAUSE EVERYONE SAID THAT YALE WAS LIKE HOGWARTS AND HARVARD WAS AZKABAN. And I thought it was some inside joke that basically meant Yale = good-guys and Harvard = bad-guys BUT ACTUALLY THE ARCHITECTURE. Is like a freaking castle and everything including the dorms, is GORGEOUS. ): Like a castle. ): But at the very least, uni is very open-ended about what you can take? Well Idk how British universities work. \:D/ But the major I'm considering needs like I think fifteen specific courses and other majors need like eight WHICH BASICALLY MEANS they get a billion more electives than I do which makes me sort of sad because I HAVE BROAD INTERESTS. It just so happens my numero uno interest is really freaking in-depth asdffa.

WOW. You are learning a lot of languages. That is like. Idk you know English and Chinese. And you are learning French and Spanish. And you want to take the Latin and Greek GCSEs. Unless by 'Ancient Greek' they mean like history or culture or sth, Idk. I WISH MY SCHOOL WAS COMPETENT IN LANGUAGES. I just want to learn Chinese and Korean and Japanese and French (..if I can start from scratch and get better teachers) and be awesome and amazing. DDD: On another note, you are one smart chick if you're doing all of that heavy English/history/language stuff ANDDD taking the three separate science GSCEs!

What time do you usually wake up for school? When I was taking an extra class, I'd have to wake up at 5:30 to get into school on time. School for ME started at like 6:50 and I had to leave at 6:30 to get in on time. CRIES. And there was a time where I'd wake up early to do work too! Except I'd end up waking up at like 4:30 and my god, it was just horrible. :| ..and school on Saturday mornings does not sound like fun, but at least you live there soo..D: Idk. I ALWAYS WANTED TO TRY BOARDING SCHOOL.



twirlingleaves January 19 2008, 19:34:23 UTC
Asdkjg;sjdf YALE SOUNDS SO AWESOME. ): I want to go to an American university! But apparently this means I will have to take SATs as well which will mean tons of extra work for me so IDEK. WHAT MAJOR ARE YOU CONSIDERING.

UM YEAH. And lol I take Japanese as well. I used to really like languages! I used to love French and Spanish but now I fail at them. ): I still love Latin and Greek a lot. WELL, IT DEPENDS ON WHETHER THEY'LL LET ME TAKE 11 GCSES. If they will only let me do 10 then I'm going to switch to dual science.

Well, at school the wakeup bell rings at 7:15. I usually wake up a few minutes before 7. And school starts at 8:15. Well, at least the Saturday morning lessons aren't that bad! We have Religious Studies, Latin, and Art.


bumped January 19 2008, 23:01:30 UTC
COME TO AN AMERICAN UNIVERSITY. American kids are awesome. We think British kids are awesome, too. \:D/ Do you have any specific university in mind?

The SATs really aren't that bad! I know a lot of kids who took SAT practice courses, but I just bought the official prep book which basically had ten practice tests and a load of tips in it. A lot of the difficulty comes from not exactly knowing what to expect~ But you don't quite have to worry about that yet. I hope. D:

I'm planning on Neuroscience. Even if I don't do Neuroscience, though, I'm planning on taking the MCATs to get into medical school since..that's what I want to do. I think. And I also think Linguistics might be interesting, so I'll probably sample some of that. :D

WHAT AND JAPANESE. You are killing me. That is so awesome. I think they should let you take 11 GSCEs! It would suck if they didn't. ): They're holding you back~

School starts at 8:15! D: I wish school stared at 8:15. But then I guess we wouldn't be done until 3PM and that would be sort of annoying~


twirlingleaves January 22 2008, 20:05:35 UTC
UM I don't really have one in mind! BUT YALE SOUNDS COOL. Idk. My friend wants to go to Stanford!

Uh I suppose, but the problem is I will have to take SATs as well as A-levels. Which will mean so much work! But yeah I shouldn't worry too much about it now. :D

Wow. Neuroscience! That sounds very sophisticated. I used to want to do Linguistics because I loved languages so much but now that I'm getting so crap at French and Spanish, I've kind of changed my mind. CLASSICS might suit me better since I like Latin and Greek, but actually it sounds a bit boring. I was also thinking about Philosophy. Or Psychology. Um idk I really shouldn't worry too much about all of this yet!

Ummmm but actually I am really worried about whether I'll do that well if I take 11 GCSEs because I PROCRASTINATE SO MUCH and I'm the most disorganized person ever aughhh, I seriously need to work much harder than this if I'm going to take 11 GCSEs. And I'll need to cut down on the Internet. ):

SCHOOL DOESN'T END AT 3PM. IT ENDS AT 5:20. :D It sucks. (When does your school end?) And we have to go to sleep at like 9:45 WHICH SUCKS EVEN MORE. But then, we don't actually go to sleep then. We just have to turn our lights off. :D Then we kind of talk until 10:30 and then everyone starts going to sleep. And I listen to my iPod and stuff until I fall asleep at around 11PM.


bumped January 25 2008, 21:02:28 UTC
COME TO YALE. IT IS BEAUTFUL. I hear Stanford's campus is absolutely massive.

There are two neurosciences at Yale! One of them is Biology-based and the other one is Psychology-based. I'm probably going for the Bio-based one if I go for neuroscience at all and. IDK. So many choices. ;_; Classics! I could never, mostly because I don't do Latin or Greek. I don't have any experience with them so I can't say whether I'd like that major or not. I WOULD NEVER EVER MAJOR IN BUSINESS OR ECONOMICS. I never had any interests in those subjects and taking Economics this year just sealed the deal because I absolutely do not like that class at all.

Well it'll be worth it if you do well! Only you know yourself and if you can do 11 GCSEs. Good luck!

HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? You go to boarding school...do you have sports? We can't have school ending too late or else there's no time for sports~ When I had tennis, we'd have to be out to practice by 3PM at the latest and we'd be done between 6 and 8 depending on whatever was going on. :| 9:45 is so early! But I guess you guys are babies? :D What years does your school have? Up to Year 13 (Would that be America's 12th grade..)? Or is it done differently? Well, every year I go to bed progressively later and later. I remember when I was in 9th grade, I would start getting ready for bed around 10:30. Now I get ready for bed between 11:30 and 12 and end up falling asleep between 12 and 1. CRIES.


twirlingleaves January 27 2008, 23:35:19 UTC
I don't think I'd enjoy Business and Economics either. :| I'm quite good at Maths though, and people keep saying that I should be an accountant or something and I'm like WTF, because that is about the most boring job EVER. ):

We have sports... Two PE lessons a week. These are during the school day. And those people who are on the lacrosse or netball or swimming teams and stuff have practices either after school (from like 5:20 - 6:30) or during lunch break (12:25 - 1:40). Yeah, the practices are kind of short. Um. When we get to Year 11, we can turn off our lights at 10, I think. Which isn't much of an improvement. ): And then in Year 12 the teachers don't care what time you go to sleep. Yeah, we have up to Year 13. :) Sometimes I go to bed at 1 at school because I stay up late to read a book or something.


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