running at full speed, don't look back (don't stop me now)

Jan 06, 2008 16:25


LIPS IS SUCH A BORING SONG, cries. I was expecting something so much better. There's no rap and it's repetitive, there's nothing interesting about it, nothing that makes it KAT-TUN. I don't think I actually heard the word 'lips' in the whole song, but that may just be me or the boys' inability to pronounce that word, but I don't think they can fail that much. But Jin's voice is still too sexy, damn. ): I need to listen to it more. Also I need the lyrics. Maybe the lyrics will help me like the song...? *hopeful*

Fic rec time! Because Shace is too awesome. feels like lightning running through my veins every time i look at you. RYOPI. A really, really amazing fic. Shace writes Ryo really well. There's just the right amount of snark in this fic, and it's really cute at times and it's also so sad, so beautiful and breathtaking and the whole plot is really good as well. ♥

ETA: THERE ARE LYRICS. Not a perfect translation, but. Akjds;ajdskfj. So. Dark. And sexy. Really really sexy.

Those lips stained red
I want to go closer and break it

Nnnrghh. ♥

ryopi, shace gets her own tag, fic, fic rec, kt, public, pin

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