hiding in the shadow from the stars

Sep 30, 2007 18:58

MY FREE WEEKEND AT HOME, finally. Oh, bliss. ♥ (Although still not exactly free, since I still have to learn my imperfect tense in Greek and do my Grade 5 Theory practise papers. ;_______;)

I has written fic (Hayato/Ryu fluff!) at last, after nearly two months of suffering from the two most evil things in the world, namely Writer's Block and School. This is a remarkable achievement. The fic is dedicated to spurnd, whom I shall always adore. ♥

I aim to finishing watching HanaKimi and catch up with cKT, and maybe write some more fic.

This first one is somewhat inspired by trangai, one of her eleven Akame sentences. Ilu Trang. <3


“Are you afraid?”
He asked.
“No,” she answered.
(It could have been a lie,

“Let’s become stars,”
He said. “The two of us.”
And he reached out
With his hand and touched the

He didn’t see her smile
In the dark.
(But it was a bright smile,
No underlying fear for once.
He should have seen it.)

“There are millions of stars,”
He told her beneath the night sky.
“But we’ll shine more than
All of them

She hummed a funny little tune.
(He thought her voice was beautiful.)
It was a promise of sorts:
They would shine

In the end,
It is he who explodes into great heights.
Bright. Dazzling.
She is left behind, forgotten.

(But in the real finale,
She is still there.
There to catch the pieces
When he falls.)



3 a.m. in ward 0261

If I stopped breathing now,
Would you collect
The fragments of my dreams
For me?

Or wake me up
When I sleep?
(Or try, at least.
It’s okay if you can’t.)

Don’t blame yourself
For the crimson on the broken car seat.
Nor for the whitewashed walls
And the strong scent of disinfectant.

Don’t let screeching tyres and
Shards of glass
Become your permanent nightmares.
And stop-!

Stop screaming,
“I wish I’d be the one
Instead of you.”

It’s too loud.
All I ask is for you to
Keep dreaming.
(Keep breathing,
For me.)

You know,
I’d rather die for

-- beep. beep. beep.


shace gets her own tag, hayato/ryu, jdrama, fic, here be poetry, kt, public

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