OH GOD FLIST I AM SORRY. I FAIL. I HAVE NOT REPLIED TO COMMENTS AND I HAVE NOT MADE THE NEWS DVD FANGIRLING POST AS PROMISED. ))): I will do so tomorrow, maybe. It is nearly past 1am here, I should be in bed, but I am not because I just finished this EPIC FIC. MATCHY, ARE YOU HAPPY NOW. Actually, you won't be because the fic is not really cracky. *
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AND THE OTHER DAY, OHMYGOD, I was talking to my mum and I was joking about how I have the maturity of a 7-year-old sometimes, and suddenly my mum looks at me with this SERIOUSLY CREEPY EXPRESSION and goes, "Ah, but a 7-year-old would never understand some of the stuff you read."
And I was like, "OHSHI-- WHAT THE HELL MUM, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT." And she put on this EVEN CREEPIER VOICE and says, "... Don't think I don't know what you do." Really. Really freaked me out. I didn't want to ask her how much she knows, I HOPE SHE DOESN'T KNOW I WRITE PORN. I mean-- if she does, she'd probably have killed me already. Or banned me from the computer or something. She really doesn't seem like the sort of mum to approve of this sort of stuff. So I'm guessing she doesn't know about the porny porn, but she might know about... the less porny porn? Lol IDEK. I'm scared. I really want to know just how much she knows.
GOD THAT MOMENT MUST HAVE BEEN SO SCARY. CREEPY VOICES? REALLY, MOTHERS, IS THAT NEEDED? :O Maybe she's just talking about the slash? My mom often jokes about my 'X-rated books' and 'my little stories' but I don't think she knows about the porny stuff...at least, I hope she doesn't know about the porny stuff. Just like your mum I think she would have thrown me out the window or something. I have a stash of printed fic next to my bed, I believe it is fairly hidden but I do have thoughts about whether my mom would suddenly want to clean on that side of my room and, you know, rifle through my stuff--
AAAAAAH. I wish I was a witch so I could magic all this stuff for my eyes only. :D
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