eternity folded into a single heartbeat

Aug 09, 2007 12:39

Muchaburi was kind of disappointing. I mean, didn't everyone expect to see tons of fanboy!Ryo? So yeah, it was disappointing. But Yoko is adorable. And we get nekkid Ohkura and Maru. Thus I guess there's plenty to love, despite the disappointment. :D

I would have been much happier if they didn't cut the second cousin game thing. ): I WANTED TO SEE THAT SO BADLY. It was in Oricon Style! Why did they cut it out and let all of us fangirls down? ))): I suspect, though, that it is because Ryo actually got chosen for something real good and therefore lots of sparkly happiness and glee insued. AND THEN UCHI SOMEHOW GOT HIS HANDS ON THE TAPE. After watching it, Uchi was jeluz and decided to cut out that scene himself.


This week's cKT has the cutest opening ever. All those cute little KAT-TUN heads! I LOVE THEM. *SQUISHES*

BUT WHERE WAS THE KOKI-KICKS-JUNNO SCENE? ): Have they decided to stop abusing Junno at last? There was zero Junno abuse in this episode. I don't really know whether I should be happy or not.

I ADORE JIN'S NEW HAIR, OKAY. It makes him look cute and boy-ish and huggable. *glee* ♥


I know this episode is supposed to be pretty funny because they were all laughing so much through it, but unfortunately I still lack Japanese skeeelz and therefore I didn't find it that funny. Hopefully there will be subs soon. :/ For some reason the episode also felt shorter than usual. Maybe it's because they didn't do anything like darts. Or table tennis. ):


I watched the five episodes of Tantei Gakuen Q yesterday. ONE FACT YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT ME: I cannot, and I mean cannot, watch/read detective mysteries. Because I get really, really scared. OI DON'T LAUGH AT ME. ): But I love them anyway, and sometimes I just cannot resist.

Well, I couldn't resist Tantei Gakuen Q. I just couldn't. Because there was Yamada. Yamada. YAMADA!!! THE CUTEST KID IN THE WORLD!!! And also Shida Mirai whom I sekritly adore. ♥ So I went and watched it, and it was so damn amazing, I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Because of Yamada (WHO IS SO COOL, and lksajd WHY AM I SO OBSESSED OVER HIM ANYWAY). And Shida Mirai. And the other two kids too, especially the computer geek person. Because I like computer geek people. <3

But, guess what? I couldn't sleep for the whole of last night. I just couldn't. There were these images of blood and knives and weird psycho killers running through my head all night, and every time I closed my eyes I imagined someone approaching my bed with a very sharp knife. IT WAS TERRIFYING, and now I'm so tired I am nearly falling asleep on this laptop. But the worst thing is, I probably still haven't learnt my lesson, and never will. I will still carry on watching/reading detective mysteries in the future simply because I CAN'T RESIST. And I have no idea what I'll do when this next ep of this drama comes out. I would want to watch it so much, but I know I can't I REALLY CAN'T, OH GOD WHAT AM I GOING TO DO. ):

Life is so unfair. I have all these friends who love detective mysteries and aren't scared at all. Why can't I be like them? ))):

I hope I'll be able to sleep tonight though.



Listened to Hey!Say!7's single properly at last. "I wo Kure" scared the hell out of me. I must admit I was not really prepared for this female-sounding wail at the start of the song. WHO IS THAT. ):

I love "BON BON" though. It's a cute song. :D

And now I know all of their names. *proud* And I want to write Yamajima fic. AND I NEED AN ICON FOR THESE GUYS.

hey!say!7, kaze is a pathetic fangirl, sup jin, kanjani8, public, ryouchi, there is too much stuff in this post, jdrama, kt

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