Even and odd numbers

Nov 04, 2010 12:36

Last week, Sadie and I were talking about even and odd numbers. I couldn't exactly say that even numbers are divisible by 2, so I just showed her how every other number starting with 1 is odd and every other number starting with 2 is even.

Today at lunch, Sadie said, "I didn't really understand before what even and odd numbers are, but now I do. Even numbers are numbers that the same number and the same number is that number. Like 6 is even, because 3 and 3 is 6. But 5 is odd, because 2 and 3 is 5. And 12 is even, because 6 and 6 is 12. So, see! If the number is, like, a number plus the same number, then it's even!"

I asked her if they talked about that at school today. (I would have been surprised if they did, because the math topic this week is counting sets of 6.) And she said, "No. I was just thinking about that myself."

So, basically, she figured out on her own that even numbers are divisible by 2!

The fact that she put this together herself makes me happy... Because math has always made sense to me. And I know that school (and money management and lots of things) are just easier if math makes sense to you. So I'm hoping this is an indication that math will be a pleasant experience for Sadie!
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