A Day in the Life

Aug 10, 2010 23:28

I realized today that this was one of our last normal days before Sadie starts school next week, so I decided I should record what it was like, since our whole world is about to change! Sadie is almost 5 1/2 and Ivy is 2.

  • 6:30 am: Ivy is up and ready to start the day!
  • I let her watch a show while we're waiting for Sadie to wake up... she chooses "the ball movie" (Animusic), but she only watches for about three minutes, because she's more interested in what I'm doing. I'm okay with that!
  • Last night, I was reading a homeschooling blog and the author had lots of free downloads available of activities she had created. I printed one called Add It!. It's a game to teach the concept of addition, which Sadie kind of understands, but she's never seen actual equations. Anyway, this morning, I cut all the pieces out and stick some to cardboard and cover some with contact paper, so Sadie can play it. Ivy helps. :-)
  • Sadie wakes up just as I am finishing, so she and Ivy snuggle on the couch while I cut the last few pages and make breakfast.
  • We eat our cereal and yogurt.
  • The girls make Kool-Aid (the low sugar kind) and watch Strawberry Shortcake. They choose Big Country Fun which means they only watch half - Pieman is in the second story. They hate Pieman. I check e-mail and LJ, but don't have time to check Facebook, since they chose Big Country Fun. :-p
  • Ivy and I build a slide for the Little People out of Legos and play with that a little. Sadie reads some books.
  • I show Sadie Add It! and she is excited to play... she does great, and she loves it! While Sadie plays, Ivy plays with some beads of her own and then nurses.

  • Sadie is still playing, and I start to read to Ivy. Sadie soon joins us on the couch reading.
  • We play outside. Ivy swings. Sadie plays in the sandbox. And I push Ivy, but between pushes, I clean out the little pool, which has been sitting outside with rainwater in it for a while.
  • After the pool is clean, I start filling it so the water will be warm for swimming this afternoon. While it fills, I pick a few cherry tomatoes from the garden.
  • Sadie starts wading in the pool, so Ivy wants to, too. But the water is too deep for her to wade without getting her shorts wet, and I don't want her to get all wet yet, so we go inside.
  • We prep lunch. The girls help and just hang around in the kitchen talking.
  • We have a picnic lunch outside on their little picnic table.
  • After lunch, I ask the girls to play together a while, so I can do the last two days' dishes. :-p I set up a Little People town, and they play together very well. Even long enough for me to make a grocery list after doing the dishes.

  • I gather up the library books that are due, and then we read some of them.
  • Ivy plays Little People some more. Sadie and I play Add It!
  • Ivy does some puzzles. Sadie starts a show... Little People, I think. I fix my hair and get ready to go out.

  • Sadie declares that she is hungry and needs a sweet snack. We decide a healthy snack would be better, so we make smoothies with a banana, the juice of an orange, a few strawberries and some ice. Sadie helps squeeze the orange. Ivy wants to help, too, so she goes to get her "stepping stool" (a little chair) from my bathroom where she brushed her teeth, but she gets distracted and ends up making a pillow nest instead.
  • We sip our smoothies and read some books.
  • Sadie does some puzzles and hums "What a Friend I have in Jesus" about 20 times in a row with her saxophone kazoo. Ivy and I play with the little school bus domino setter-upper.

  • I fix the girls' hair, we put on shoes and head out to the library. Ivy falls asleep on the way, so she has about a 5 minute nap.
  • Ivy does her usual library thing and immediately finds several books we have at home. Sadie sits down to read them to her. Afterwards, while Sadie is looking at the picture books, she finds another little girl her age and they start talking. They walk around together talking about themselves. Ivy follows them around, chattering up a storm.
  • After we drop our books off in the car, we walk over to Baskin Robbins. We like to do this when we go to this library. It’s not far- about a block and a half, but we have to cross two major roads (one five lanes, one seven lanes) and the crosswalk signals don’t always work. Today one doesn’t. It is 102° with a heat index of 110°, so ice cream is a great treat! We get one kids size cup and share it. The girls choose a birthday cake flavor that is pink and white with a swirl of blue syrupy stuff. It is super sweet, but the girls love it!
  • On the way home, we stop at HEB. The girls are great! I have quarters today, so they each get a banana at the kids fruit stand, and there are samples of mac-n-cheese halfway through the store, so that helped.
  • When we get home, the girls get in the pool, and I turn off the AC, and open the door and blinds, so I can see and hear them while I put away the groceries and start dinner.

  • They do great in the pool, and I almost finish dinner. But then Sadie accidently drops a bucket on Ivy who screams and wants to get out. While I help her, the timer for the brown rice goes off and I know the veggies I was stir-frying are scorching. Fortunately, Pat gets home just then and turns off the burners and stirs the veggies. Yay!
  • Sadie comes in and dries off, but doesn’t want to get dressed, so she eats dinner in her panties. :-p Although, since the AC was off when the door was open, it is really hot in the house!
  • The girls eat a great dinner, because it is one of their favorites- Sweet and Sour Tofu with a Snow Pea and Water Chestnut Salad. One of my faves, too! :-)
  • After dinner, Pat takes the girls out for a walk- actually, he pulls Ivy in the wagon and Sadie rides her bike. And I do the dishes and clean up the kitchen and the backyard.
  • When they return from their walk, the girls both want more tofu and veggies!
  • As they eat, I sing some Fruits of the Spirit songs from Music Machine (a record we had when I was little), because I’ve been working on Fruits of the Spirit stuff for Sunday School. Sadie wants me to sing all the songs, but I only remember a few. So I google the lyrics and print them out. Ivy helps by sitting on my lap and nursing.
  • I start singing the songs for Sadie (Ivy goes to her room to play baby dolls.) when Grandpa comes over to bring Pat’s birthday present. (Grandpa will be out of town the rest of the week.)
  • Sadie shows Grandpa Add It!, but then she wants to sing some more with me and read a book, so Grandpa plays with Ivy.
  • Pat opens his present- some t-shirts his folks got on their recent trip to England.
  • Grandpa watches the girls play with the school bus domino thing, and then they play ball- first inside, then outside.
  • Grandpa leaves, and I get Ivy into her pjs. She says her night nights, and then we nurse to sleep while Pat and Sadie do her bedtime routine.

  • Pat sings Sadie to sleep.
  • Pat works on his car while I type this. LJ eats it once, so I have to type it twice. :-p

day in the life

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