Oct 15, 2004 12:25
okay well this past week has been very :S :( :) :~( :) :( :S :/ :~( :( :) :S :/ :) :(.. in other words all over the shop.
all week i have spent sitting in front of my computer staring at a blank word document... day dreaming. my word count for my thesis stands at 2800ish words, which is less than 30% of the total word count it has to be. thesis is due in 9 days time and i wish i could say that i cared.. but i just dont really... :S
i begin to stress sometimes but its only because im stressed that im not stressing (if that makes sense). i think i have pin pointed that this non-caring attitude all started the moment my prac supervisor told me i had the mentality of a checkout chick and to stop being someone i will never be.. etc etc. dont get me wrong though, i have always been slack and lazy with uni, but never to this extent. i have to do heaps of work today... i just HAVE to because i must have 5500-6000 words to my supervisor by 9am tomorrow eeeeeee :S
this coming week is going to be a really bad one i think.. my deadline will only be a week away come monday. i am dreading it, but looking forward to getting my life back and knocking back a goon or 2... or 3 or 10. this week is also going to suck because i start work at 6am somedays.. which requires me getting up at 5am GRrrrrrrr and im also working 9 hour shifts gggggrrrrrr
life will be wonderful again in 1wk 2days 11hrs 8mins 21secs :~)
in other news, i have moved up the go sushi ranks after only working there a month. my work called me to offer me a supervisor position, which means i get to boss people around now and get $2 or so more per hour for doing so :):):)
but the most exciting news of all is that i got a new ringtone... ACDC - TNT :D