Quick post, detailing some the good and the bad of this last week:
+ I have a new layout:
amdragonfly123; I was bored with the old one, and this one just kind of struck me when I saw it. :D
+ With the new layout, I have a new banner for my sticky post. It's of Natalie Dormer, the actress who plays Anne Boleyn on Showtime's The Tudors. I love the show! Granted, I've only seen the first season (thank you Netflix) and I'm waaay far behind now. Still, it's a sexy picture and I think very representative of the vibe of the show. The quote is Shakespeare, btw.
- I've been sleeping until noon and not getting much done. This is bad, especially since I have to be ready to head back to Cookeville in two days.
+ I do have my clothes clean and packed and a general pile of other stuff that has to go back with me.
- Everyone at my house is grumpy. I blame the cooler weather.
+ Speaking of the cooler weather, I have begun my normal winter over-reacting. I've bought gloves and found every hat, scarf, and jacket I own.
- I've also begun a hellish search for a warmer coat. I HATE CLOTHES SHOPPING. I've not come to terms with my body issues and it doesn't help that everything I've found that I've liked has been about one size too small (and I'm not kidding, literally everything). At this point I'm about to say screw it and just pile on a few of the jackets if it gets that cold.
- Snow in the forecast. Ugh.
+ I've been watching the news more regularly. I'm actually knowledgeable about current events, horrific though many of them are.
+/- The sociology class I was really looking forward to, Social Movements and Change, has already canceled class. It's a mixed blessing. She cites the confusion surrounding the first day schedule (though the first day of class is Thursday we are to report to Monday classes). And since the class is only MW, we'll only have one class next week. Still, I'm like, whoo! Short day!
+ and lastly, I think I've fallen in love with this artist I just found,
Landon Pigg. Supposedly his song Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop was featured in a diamonds ad, but somehow I missed it. Anyway, I love the minimalist style of the song, and his other songs (while some of the singles don't follow the same ascetic) are pretty awesome, too.