You Ain't Seen My Balls :)

Apr 18, 2011 22:35

Sooo, life is okay right now. I've got to lose some weight though, I've gained 15 pounds, how ridiculous is that? I need to assert myself hardcore, so that's my goal right now. I want to lose 45 pounds by August 20th.

Anyway, when I hurt my hand they gave me anti-biotics. Those pills gave me a yeast infection. @_@ talk about inconvienent and embaressing. Stupid doctors and they're anti-biotics that don't do anything but give people infections! Rawr!

Well, the big news is Wes moves in next month. I'm supposed to be moving furniture on Saturday (the rest of my mom's furniture) to make room for Wes' stuff and get ready in general for him to come here. I'm so excited, I can't wait. I am a tiny bit nervous about it though, just because once you move in with someone, you find out pretty much if you are compatable enough to stay with that person in a stable enviornment (per se). Nervous isn't the right word, I'm not worried about it at all really, I guess anxious? Maybe that's the word. Maybe its because I've lived by myself so long. Either way, can't wait. <3

Sooo sleepy x.x

Anyway, we're going to Gatlinburg, TN the weekend after Easter. I can't wait, I'm just hoping I have enough money to go. I'm trying to sell some things on craigslist, I'm hoping that goes through hardcore. I want to go sooooooooooo bad. Money issues better not ruin it for me.

Hmmm. We hung out with some friends over the weekend and last week, Gena, Andy, Kaitlyn, Tyler, Andrew and Kristie. Oo. OH.

I went to the skating rink with Wes, Kaitlyn and Tyler and Shaun's little brother Seth showed up out of nowhere... Talk about almost having a panic attack. Luckily we didn't see anyone other than that, so all is well. Anywho, I guess that's it. Dueces.
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