
Oct 19, 2003 17:37

Time for some commentary from Luis:

The big news this week is the merger of "right" (I put it in quotes because it is very dated terminology) with the Progressive Conservatives and Canadian Alliance (formerly the Reform party) on the verge of coming together. The two leaders, MacKay and Harper, struck a deal and now it awaits approval from their members. Obviously this is an attempt to create one party capable of being a real threat to the reigning Liberals with the conservative vote no longer being split. However, I believe that this is a poor move on the part of the Alliance party. The next federal election will see Paul Martin as the leader of the Liberal Party, a much more conservative politician than Chretien. Many conservative voters may vote Liberal in this election as they will agree with the policies of Martin. With the PC's and the Alliance merging, the Alliance will naturally move more to the left, conservatives will not have much of a choice between the Liberals and the new Conservative Party of Canada. In short, what we will have is "middle-of-the-road" politics, with the two major parties being very similar. If the Alliance wanted more votes they should have stuck to their hard right conservatism so they could maintain the appearance of an alternative to Martin and the Liberals. As much as I don't like Paul Martin, there is a silver lining to all this. In the next federal election there will likely be a stronger NDP vote, as voters will recognize them as a true alternative. Let's hope Layton sticks to a true left-wing platform as I REALLY dislike centrist politics, people need a choice.

I could be wrong on all of this, but those are my thoughts.

On the same note I saw a girl with an "End Palestinian Occupation" button but right next to it was a "John Nunziata for Mayor" button; it seems illogical to see these two on the same bag considering Nuziata's record while serving as a MP. I don't really mind if our view points don't agree (I support Miller) but please people be informed about your politics. I would rather that you not agree with me and be informed than you just jumping on some bandwagon.

Of course it would be nice if everyone was a Socialist like me :).

I dislike "The Village Post". While this isn't the model of journalism it still said something that sat very wrong with me. They are profiling the candidates for mayor right now and this week they had David Miller. In the article it said Miller would have to "deal" with his left wing history. Deal with it? He's embracing it and rightfully so.

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