Bring down the government

May 19, 2004 22:52

Time for a political rant. Many topics will be covered today.

The Ontario Liberals disappoint yet again with their budget. I understand that taxes must be raised in order to invest in things like education and health care. If we want better services we have to pay for them, I have no issue with this. My problem is the way the Liberals went about it, attacking the modest and middle income families. Their health care premium is the first regressive tax Ontario has seen in many years. If you don't know what a regressive tax is, it's when you tax lower earners at a higher rate than you do higher earners. This new tax is really going to hit the low income earners hard. Liberals and Tories, catering to the rich and the corporations, this is not the society I want to live in. For Hampton's views on the issue, click here.

Promise breakers and flip-flops, that's all Liberals are, "Families are already paying for health care with their taxes. Pay more for health care, pay twice for health care but get less health care - that’s the Conservative plan. It’s certainly not the Liberal plan.”
Way to change your tune McGuinty.

While on the theme of my anger toward Liberals and Conservatives, I went to see The Corporation today, finally. I hope all of you see this film, it makes it very clear why I desire and work for change with such passion. I CANNOT tolerate a system that by design takes advantage of people. There are alternatives. Parecon and public ownership of essential services.

I really do love The Fifth Estate on CBC.

Synopsis from this week's episode:
For thousands of young Hondurans, the only hope of finding a way out
of the grinding poverty of their existence is to hop a train
headed for el norte - the north; either the United States or Canada.
They'll risk their lives on a dangerous and illegal 5000 kilometre journey.

This episode was particularly moving because during one segment they showed people from a poor town giving food to those making the journey. It was so inspiring to see people give even though they themselves have very little; it gives me hope.
When I was in grade 10 I watched something similar to this in my politics class, it was this that got me interested in politics at first. My teacher told us all about these injustices and the unfairness in the world. I've always felt like I should do something about it. It's not right, everyone should have the opportunity to succeed in life. I'm very privileged to live in Canada, it's a privilege I don't take for granted (or at least try), this is another reason why I am so committed to achieving a better world. I believe that because I'm so lucky to live where I do and have what I do that it is my responsibility to help those who aren't so fortunate.

Finally, an economic note. I keep getting this emails about the current gas situation, telling us that we shouldn't buy from certain companies. Let me tell you that this plan WILL NOT WORK. If you don't buy from one company it means you will have to buy from another. It is true that the companies from whom you don't buy will reduce their prices as demand will decrease, the problem is that this plan assumes that the other companies will follow suit. THIS IS NOT TRUE. With increased demand the companies will increase their prices. The problem is that the demand schedule is relatively inelastic and little can be done in the short term, this is a supply side issue. What we need to do is reduce our dependency on oil, this will reduce demand in the long term and bring down prices. Get out of your cars people, buy a scooter like me.
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