minna-san konnichiwa
we are not mean to argue with people or disrespect people..
we didn't mind if you want to take picture from this blog
but please don't claim it as yours as we asked you about our own pic..
we are really really respect all of you as Hey!Say!JUMP fans or the Japanese fans
we know its only a picture, but if it not yours please admit it.
but we didn't want if we are respecting people but then you rude to us..
and say your mother languages in the form of bad languages that people who are from other country that didn't understand the words of yours...
for us, its okay...its your own privacy..we can't stop you...
what if it come to you, and said bad words in their languages that you can't understand, what would you feel?
we don't want to mention this person but if you know it was focusing on you please realize and
respect other person..
we've prove to say that you said those words,
but we did not want to degrading you..
thank you,
JapanDTZERJ (FenazBluey~FeqahPinky)