Title: The Only Light We'll See
Series: Songbook
Author/Artist: Anneko
Rating: Teen
Warning(s): Delicious, delicious twincest
Disclaimer: Characters within belong to J. K. Rowling, and not in any way, shape, or form to me.
A/N: It isn't songfic, inasmuch as lyrics aren't sandwiched in, but each fic in this series is very informed by a song on my Fred/George playlist.
Summary/Excerpt: A little angst, a little fluff, a lot of Fred/George cuddling.
War loomed on the horizon, in vague and threatening dark shapes that you glimpsed out of the corner of your eye, in crashing sounds that made women and men alike jump and cling to the nearest person or lamppost. Windows were boarded up, and the streets were almost empty all of the time.
And inside *our* shop, there was light and colour and life. And George.
After hours we sat, arms around each other, the moon framed in our window. Heads rested together, and sock feet slid against each other half in flirtation, half in comfort.
"Do you think we'll have to close down like everyone else?"
"Maybe. If customers stop coming, there won't be much point in it... I don't want to close, but we won't stay open if it'd just be *stupid*."
Hand folded around hand, lips glided against cheeks and the sides of necks.
"We'll win the war, though."
Eyes bright but dry gazed across dim candlelit space, knees collided and rearranged.
"I love you."
"I love you more."
Thighs parted and interwove. Chest met chest with heartbeats hammering in time.
"Do not. 'S not possible."
"I still love you."
Fingers tangled in hair, foreheads fell to shoulders.
"Yeah. I know. You're an utter sap."
"Look who's talking."
Nose brushed jawline, eyelashes fluttered against the shell of an ear.
"Whatever happens, I'm not worried."
"No, neither'm I."
Lips fit against lips, tongue shyly introduced to tongue.
"Long as we're together,"
"Nothing else mattered."
And nothing else did.