Title: Goodnight
a_carnal_minkLength: 2,060-ish words
Disclaimer: Not real. Just fiction. Just… thinking.
Rating: PG for language.
Author's Note: Big, huge spoiler for the new book. DO NOT READ if you haven't finished DH yet!! I just had to get some thoughts down on paper.
Dedicated: To... well, to James and Oliver, actually.
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Heh. Thanks. :)
'Tis definitely not a manip...
I could just stare at Ol's hands like that for hours and hours... (in fact, if I added it all up, I probably have!) It's a screencap from the "Reflections On The Fourth Year" featurette on the GoF dvd. One of the Twice As Nice screencaps, I do believe.
The way Ol's holding his hands there, I must admit, it gives me raaaaather dirty thoughts. *wicked grin* Particularly his right hand. All too easy to get a nice mental picture of how he might look when he's, umm... *cough* You know. *smirk*
And thanks :) You know, I love the way James looks at Oliver, too. Just some photos I have they've got this gaze where it's filled with warmth and affection and it's just beautiful :)
Straying off topic, I do apologise!
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