Feb 25, 2008 11:57
So the other day Kimmie was online and I was sitting here rereading my sailormoon mange cause I dunno, it's good to reread. ::Yawns:: Anyway, I was sitting here, then I thought. "I think if I had breast cancer I would hold a funeral for them" So, I go and tell Kimmie and she goes "Lol... I would cry too" Which is so true. I would cry. ::Smiles:: breast cancer is a thing in the family and mine are so big so I'm probably going to have it. Just saying. So! I dunno, hmmm.. ::dance:: Completely moved in with Matt, supposed to do the paperwork soon-ish for the lady. ::thumbs up:: I'm so excited. be free of the evil apartment once and for all! ::cheers::
Um.. I have a test today, I'll be ok though I think, not one I can really study for something I have to identfy. I like my instructor a lot, he at least pretends he cares. ::smiles:: Ravi doesnt have a date for moving, I'm gonna move over there but I want to work at FDLE. ::smiles:: Less crazy customers that way.
HAHA Ravi told me the only time he really gets mad at me is in the mornings. Cause I'm a real bitch. Hahaha he's like "yeah you get the best compliments when you're working in the evening but in the morning I get complaints about you" Which is funny I think. Those people think I'm going to get fired over stupid ass whatcha doodles. Hahahaha... hmmm.... what was I thinking.. ::thinks:: Oh well don't remember! Hm.. Oh! I need to get dressed and go to the bank and feed the dogs and clean up the house and wooo ::dance::
That's it, dont being silly ::waves::