1 Year Anniversary Recommendations

Aug 13, 2012 08:54

The Poll has closed! Thanks for everyone's participation.

You can submit your recommendation links for your favorite Sunstreaker/Ratchet/Sideswipe fic and art in the comments below. Feel free to submit as many as you like for each category. Your suggestions can come from anywhere you can find them on the internet.

Some of your fav fics may cross categories and that's ok! If you have a favorite Twins/Ratch fic that is 15K long, a WIP, and is both sexy and humourous, it can be entered into all of those categories (ladydragon's Cracka fic - I'm looking at you).

Our favorite trio does not have to be the main pairing or characters, but should be prominant for a good portion of the piece. Neither do the characters have to be in a romantic relationship, but all three have to be present in the piece in some way.

Author/Artists: if you are comfortable recommending one of your one pieces, please do so, especially if it is something that isn't widely posted. This is more about celebrating the relationship between the Twins and Ratchet than a contest. I'm really hoping that someone recs a work of art or fic that I haven't run across before!

These are the following categories:

Fiction Length/Type
- Drabble (We all know how much I love those 100 word pieces of delightfullness!)
- >10k fic (Who doesn't love to spend *days* reading a fic?)
- Work in Progress (currently in progress, on hiatus, or even those which are not planned to be continued - any of them can go here)
- AU (The twins in fuedal Japan? Alrighty then - bring it on!)

Fiction Genre
- Humor/Crack (Does it make you snort Coke out your nose onto your laptop?)
- Romance/Fluff (Awwwww... fluffy bunnies!)
- PWP/sex (rrowwr! Full on graphic bits or offstage sexxins go here! [Sticky, tactile, energy- whatever gets our favorite 'bots off])
- Angst/Drama (Does he love me? Does he love me not? ... Also, this would be the category for your favorite tissue!death!fic)

(this was a bit harder to think up categories, so if anyone has some suggestions, please let me know!)
- Not Safe For Work (NSFW)
- Romance/Fluff/Friendship
- Other (comics, icons, desktop wallpapers, music videos, etc)

Here is a blank submission form to use:
Romance/Friendship Art:
Other Art:

I will be taking recommendations up until 8/31, midnight EST. The voting poll will go up a few days after, with information on prizes and the awarding of them.

first anniversary

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