(no subject)

Aug 07, 2012 17:13

Title: Shattered Affections
Fandom: Transformers AU
Author: deathmustang
Pairing/Characters: Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Ratchet
Warnings: Mentions of rape
Disclaimer: Transformers is not mine, I just have fun writing with thw characters

Alright here's posting number two hope you all like it!^^

The journey to the slavers hideout was surprisingly short to Ratchet as they were transported. He didn’t know where they would end up but it wouldn’t be good once they got there. The wagon jerked to a halt startling a few of them, waking the rest. Ratchet waited until the door was opened revealing sunlight. The occupants of the wagon had to blink several times against the rays of light.

“Alright come on let’s move,” a large black and red armored mech ordered. One by one they were lead out. “I don’t want any trouble from any of you just stay in order and you all stay in one piece,” he growled his voice deep and strained with age.

The carriers where all lead to a separate area away from the others then forced into a cell each with a number placed around their necks. Time passed slowly in the dark, cold cell for Ratchet. Bots in fine garb and ornaments would walk through the halls looking over the carriers in each cell. Ratchet ignored them whenever they tried to get him to speak. He’d rather eat dust than speak to them. They only cared for his carrier abilities not his voice. One mech though stayed watching him for a long time. He was a young mech with a silver helm and red face plate. He wore a deep blue silk shirt and pants. He was either a noble or worked for one. The mech tried to get Ratchet to speak many times which earned him a bowl to the helm. Ratchet gave him a withering glare that would have made paint peel. The mech only smiled rubbing the dent.

“Feisty huh, my Lords will like that”, he smirked “You’re older then what I’d like but you’re in better shape than most. Let’s try to get along Mr. 3454-6,” Ratchet threw another object at him making the mech smile even more. “See you on the auction block,” and then he was gone.

Sometime later Ratchet was lead out and placed in line to be auctioned off. He could hear as the numbers were called out and each bot was sold. When the time came for him he stood on a high platform in front of the large crowd of finely dressed mechs and femmes. The announcer looked at his number.

“Now, we have lot number 3454-6 a healer and carrier in one. This mech is unmated, untainted and open to the right price. The bidding starts at one hundred-thousand credits,” a servo went up.

“Two hundred thousand-”

“Three hundred thousand-”

The number kept getting higher, Ratchet could only watch as a spectator to his own fate as he was sold like a pack beast.

“One million credits,” a familiar voice rang out over the rest. It was the mech from before. The crowd got quiet then, shocked at the jump in value for the coveted carrier.

“Do I hear anyone else?” The auctioneer asked levelly despite the tremor in his voice, “No, then Sold for one million credits,” Ratchet was lead off the platform and handed off to the blue and red mech.

Ratchet glared at the mech who took the rope binding his hands together and lead him away. He was pulled into a large carriage and placed right across from his buyer.

“So who was I bought for,” Ratchet spoke to the mech for the first time.

“Ah, finally talking ‘eh, got yourself a nice voice too. Though you’ll have to be cleaned up before I can present you to my Lords”, pulling out a pad and pencil the mech started writing.

“And who would these Lords”, Ratchet sneered “of yours be”, the mech still ignored him.

“Once we reach home we’ll need you checked over. Keeping carriers in such conditions indeed, we can’t have you getting sick,”

‘Of course, you can’t’ Ratchet snarled mentally. All he was was a way for ‘my Lords’ to get heirs. All he was expected to do was spread his legs and let them have their way with him. Ratchet knew he looked a wreck. His clothes were tattered and torn, not to mention burned from the fire. His armor was covered in black smudges and add to the fact the carriers had barely been fed it couldn’t get much worse. But, knowing his luck it would do just that!

Silence took over the carriage which was just fine with him as he stared out over the landscape. Ratchet lulled by the gentle rocking of the carriage slowly drifted into the first peaceful slumber he’d had in days.

Unfortunately that peaceful rest was cut short once they reached their destination. A servo on his shoulder startled him awake as the carriage came to a stop.

“Easy now we’re here,” the mech soothed “Got to get you cleaned up so my Lords can see you,” Ratchet followed the mech out shaking off the drowsiness once he saw the palace.

It was a beautiful structure of tall white marble walls with proud, steady towers that came into view. Ratchet had never seen such a palace not even in his travels as an apprentice. Servants dashed about doing their duties a few would stop and look his way then go straight back to work. The still nameless mech lead him to a large wooden gate of the finest timber that leads to a steaming bath chamber. The mech ushered him in and shut the door. At the snap of he’s fingers servants hurried in.

“Clean this mech until he’s fit to be in the presence of our Lords. I don’t want to see a speck on him,” once he untied the rope Ratchet was stripped, very quickly washed and cleaned. They scrubbed and rinsed until his white frame shone like new.

He was then covered in robes of fine silk and his hand clasped with a pair of golden cuffs. Ratchet would jerk and snap at them now and then but they kept right on what they were doing. He was being dressed up like some collectable doll. The layers of silk over his frame made were only for show all were cinched by the lone belt making him easy to undress. Once he was ‘presentable’ the nameless mech lead him down a series of hallways. Ratchet tried to remember the way but the twists and turns seemed endless which made that plan hopeless. If he bided his time and chose the right moment he could try and escape. Right now he had to wait and see how everything played out. He was lead to a room with chairs of all shapes and sizes. Then directed to a pile of pillows in the corner of the room.

“Stay here and relax I have a few things to take care of. Don’t try to escape because the doors will have guards watching you at all times,” the cuffs were tied to a brace on the wall leaving Ratchet sitting alone on a pile of soft pillows in the corner of the large room far too aware of his flimsy coverings.

Once the mech was gone Ratchet looked around the room. Clearly it was a meeting room of some sort. Then again it could be the Lords’ study seeing the pair of desks and shelves of books with even a few scrolls on one side of the room. Large framed windows gave a view of the gardens below, beyond that a thick crystal forest stretched to the horizon. All in all the palace was beautiful, but Ratchet doubted it would any more than a prison to him. The cuffs were proof of that.

“Meooorw,” Ratchet jumped at the sudden noise looking around the room for the source. “Meooorow,” the call came again this time revealing itself.

A small, six legged feline leaped onto the sofa in front of him. The brightly colored animal licked its metal paws purring loudly. It was a Neocat, a technorganic feline that was often kept as pets. They were not easy to come by or easy to tame. Like most felines they did whatever they pleased. The Neocat stopped its grooming to stare at him its bright green eyes seemed to gaze into his very soul.

The cat’s fur was deep violet with yellow and blue stripes along the length of its frame. It had a long fluffy striped tail that swished back and forth in a lazy manner. The feline jumped off the sofa and walked toward him moving with ease on its four front legs to nuzzle his legs. The neocat nuzzled and purred until it was sitting in his lap as if it belonged there. Ratchet couldn’t help but smile at the feline running his red digits through its fur making it purr even louder.

The quiet room didn’t stay that way for long however as the door was pushed open. The cat didn’t stir as the mech returned leading two mechs in behind him. Ratchet watched them warily as they came in. The two new mechs appeared to be siblings they were tall but, still young and wore clothes far grander then the red faced mech.

“So this is him Tracks, he’s a lot older then what we normally prefer. Hey, looks like Crystaleve likes him Sunny,” the red one spoke up a smirk on his faceplate.

“Don’t call me that Pit-brain,” the one called Sunny smacked the red mech earning a laugh from him and a smothered chuckle Tracks. “Are you sure he’ll do Tracks. He’s old. We need a carrier not another berth warmer,” Sunny snarled.

Ratchet was getting irritated with this conversation but before he could give the rich fragger a piece of his mind. The red mech was in front of him grabbing his chin.

“Ah, come on Sunny he may be old but age never mattered to ya before,” said mech snorted at Red’s comment.

Ratchet smacked the mechs servo off and kicked him in the abdomen causing the mech to fall back on the floor. Tracks snickered at the mech’s shocked expression.

“Should have warned you Sideswipe this one isn’t a pushover. He’ll fight you if given the chance and, he’s got quit a mouth on him too,” the mech laughed. Sideswipe gave Tracks a dark look as the yellow mech Sunny came closer.

“Well, he better be a quick learner Tracks. We aren’t afraid to put a few dents on him. Got that carrier?” He sneered earning a snarl from Ratchet.

“What’s the mech name Tracks, can’t keep calling him carrier now can we?” Sideswipe got to his peds.

“Don’t really know, my Lords, he hasn’t said much other than to insult the slavers holding him,” Tracks tapped his chin in a thinking gesture.

“Name or no name, he’ll do I guess get Angelwave to tend to him and place him in our chambers we’ll see how he is tonight,”

Ratchet glared at the mechs hard enough the peel paint making sure to say a few choice words that only made the yellow mech glare at him harder before the maid came to retrieve him.  He was taken to a massive room that screamed wealth. The maid led him in and locked the door behind them. Ratchet had a feeling in the pit of his tank that this night was about to make a turn for the worse.

author: deathmustang, genre: romance, character: sideswipe, fic: shattered affections, character: ratchet, character: sunstreaker, genre: angst

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