Take On Me Chapter 1

Apr 21, 2012 17:42

First post, tired of lurking. Hopefully I did this in an acceptable manner, if not, I would appreciate a mod telling me how to correct it rather than just deleting it. Thanks in advance!

Title: Take on Me
Chapter: 1 'We're talking away'
Universe: Draws from several to include G1/bayverse/comics
Author: Shini_666
Established Pairings: Sideswipe/Sunstreaker, Jazz/Prowl
Future Pairings: Sideswipe/Ratchet/Sunstreaker, Hound/Mirage and more
Rating: M for future Chapters, Current Chapter PG-13 if that
Word Count: 2,107
Summary/Warnings: Creating new life requires two sparks. What are the twins to do when they manage it and learn that they cannot carry the new spark to term? What is a medic to do when he can't convince his patients to make the hard choice that will save their lives? How will Ratchet cheat Primus one more time?

link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8046155/1/Take_On_Me

author: shini_666, character: ratchet, character: sunstreaker, rating: r, fanfiction, genre: hurt/comfort, character: sideswipe, fic: take on me

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