*EDIT* Ratings

Nov 19, 2011 15:50

Okay, due to concerns raised I am completely doing this over again. But thank you to the raised concerns. You presented them in a clear and mature manner. Unfortunately, I have to put some things in a higher rating and also ban some things. I know this will displease some of you. However, it must be done. Also, I remind you this is not a conclusive list. It is a generalisation.

I apologise for any confusion I may have caused as a mod, as I am still learning. I thank you for your patience.

Rated G
Suitable for all audiences. Light touches of romance and no overt slash. Pranks and the like, XD Basically, anything that has no kissing, swearing, violence, etc, etc.

Rated PG
Step up from G. Less innocent, with overt slash, kissing, action (but no violence), light coarse language.

Rated PG-13
This is leaning more to the M side of things, but not fully there. There may be innuendo, slash, heated kissing or touching, some coarse language, (and, because it's Transformers), some battle violence and talk about injuries and medical procedures. Hints of mpreg (eg, talking of 'We can't wait until the sparklings have arrived!' and 'Congratulations, you're sparked.' Talking about having sparklings).

Rated M
Heavy innuendo and slash/kissing/touching, heavy violence/torure (but no gore-y gore.) Also non-overt references to tactile, pnp, sticky and sparks. Also, extraction mpreg (eg, the scene where the sparkling is taken away from the parent spark and placed in a new protoform).

NC-17 - All of these rated entries mus be members locked to the comm!
- Tactile, PnP sex, Sticky sex, spark sex, gore, mpreg delivered in the 'human way'. Not to mention squick's SUCH AS (but not limited to) mechs killing another by drinking each other's energon. Excessive torture in the way it makes you sick.

Banned: Loli or Shota. No. Not at all. Any fics/art of this nature will be deleted. You can't have underage!Ratchet and oldperv!twins getting it on (or vice versa). Having them be friends with an age difference is a whole different thing to this. 

comm: info, mod hat, comm: rules

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