The Curse: Part Three

Nov 11, 2011 22:12

Title: The Curse, Part Three

Verse: G1

Characters: Sunstreaker, Ratchet, Sideswipe, Hound

Rating: T, on the safe side

Warnings: Cross-dressing, cussing, insane bots

Disclaimer: …BLEH! Dang rules…messing up my dreams…I own nothing!

Notes: Bots wearing clothes…and cross-dressing while doing it…what’s not to love? Kinda set during ancient times, think stage coaches, beliefs in magic, and superstitions and you get the general idea. I bend a lot of rules and make up a lot of junk in this one!

Summery: A medic is called to the castle of the Noble family to heal one of their members, only to be met with secrets surrounding the family that might lead to his own end.

:Sparkbond talk:

Part Three

Usually, he was easy to wake from recharge being the only medic in his village, he was used to waking at odd times…being woken up by a small servo patting him on his chevron was not on his usual list. "Huh?"

"Ratchet, wake up, scary noises!"


His optics booted up slowly before he shuttered them, still adjust to the lack of light, the worried face of the youngling filled his vision, tears were on the edge of flowing and he was biting his lower lip, "Sparkbit, what's wrong?"

A whimper and the tiny mech clung to the shirt, "Bad sounds, bad sounds!"

The medic sat up and peered around the dark room…he didn't hear anything…sure it was a little creepy looking but that could because of the shadows and it being a room he had never been in before. Sighing, he glanced down at the shivering figure curled up next to him, "Red, come on now, what did you hear?"

"Umm…noises, banging against the wall!"

"Banging against-"

A loud thumb against the wall made them both jump, the mechling whimpered again and buried his face, Ratchet frowned as another bump…then a squeak…glitch mice. Casting a glance to the nearest window, he watched as the acid rain poured from above, poor creatures were probably just trying to escape the deadly subsistence.

Chuckling, he rubbed one of the little horns on the red helm, "Just the mice playing, they can't go outside because of the rain."

Optics peeked up at him, "No ghost?"

"No ghost."

"Oh…but Uncle Sides said that ghost exist and they want to take me away!", once again, he his face.

The healer rolled his optics, he really needed to have a talk with that Noble, till then…he just smiled and nuzzled the mechling's helm, "Don't listen to him, he's just trying to scare you."

One of the cutest pouts was sent to the older bot, "He's a meanie!"

He couldn't help it…he laughed and pulled Red Alert closer to him in a hug, the small child bursting into giggles as well, not really sure why they were laughing but it seemed to fit the moment, "Red, I swear, you are just too cute for your own good."


By morning the troubles of last night were long gone as the healer forgot them to return to his duties, Hound was out in the nearest town getting some new clothes and wouldn't be back until later on. So once again, he was forced to wear one of his host's clothing, which turned out to be an old outfit own by the crimson twin in his younger days…

He hated it…the pants were a little too tight…he blamed his own hips on that…and the shirt was tight around his chassis and he had to keep the drawstrings mostly undone leaving the bits of his glass window showing a little too much for his own comfort but the sleeves hung loosely around his arm causing them to cover his servos whenever he let his arms hang down. And damn this fragging vest! Sure it seemed like it was comfortable around his chassis but when it came around his waist, it acted like a corset and made it seem his waist was smaller then it was while making his chassis larger…he swore he was going to murder somebot before the day was out from the blasted thing!

But good guest don't complain about needed gifts…damn manners…

The fabric surprisingly didn't smell like it had been up in whatever storage area they had it, but instead smelled like it had just recently been clean…and had a strong scent on it belonging to the owner…which was something he found abit odd and disturbing that he was still able to smell the dominate aroma, it had the same waft of high quality wax but there was something sweeter to it…like…energon treats or fine high grade…

He had taken one glance at the knee high boots, snorted at them and walked out of the room barepeded, the anklet chiming away as though mocking the pede wear. He came in without shoes and he refused to wear them, manners be damned…for some reason…he just didn't like wearing them…it was something both he and his brother shared.

Though Wheeljack was because his shoes melted to his pedes in one of his experiments and he swore the things off ever since he had to pry the burnt material off his skin, saying something along the lines of, 'evil things eat my pedes like candy!'

He worried about his older brother from time to time…

But he couldn't concern himself with that at the moment, no…he had patients to care for and he was glad that Red Alert wouldn't be able to follow him around today because of the young Noble's studies. No matter how attached he had suddenly became to the sparkling, he would not allow him the room where he was working on his creators…the sweetspark was scarred enough as is…having the image of the two adults nearly lifeless looking on berths was something he wished upon nobody that young to have to endure.

Glancing around the room that had become his temporary medbay, he stopped as his sight landed on a crow at a window, he frowned…another sign perhaps…and not a good one.

"Go away you, I need not your warnings, shoo now, you are needed somewhere else besides here to annoy me."

The metallic creature just tilted it's head and stared at him with it's black optics before tapping on the window with it's beak, the healer sighed and shook his helm, "Tell me crow, why are you here…death has not made it's sign yet," the bird tilted it's head the other way…not making a sound…an eerie omen indeed.

"Perhaps you are to tell me of worse things to come-" he jerked back as it squawked and suddenly beat it's wings against the glass before it took off…leaving him with a cold chill down his backstruts, "terrible things indeed…"

He turned back to the prone figure of the femme, "What could be worse then what has happened without the mech in black robes hanging his sickle above our helms? What was it that made you do what you have done, child?" He shook his helm in sadness, "Perhaps the messenger had came for you…and only you know what it had to tell?"

A light pat to her shoulder and he returned his attention to the Noble, scanning over the large frame for any immediate changes from overnight. Seeing nothing different physically on the outside, perhaps it was time for him to check their sparks, any offbeat could be a hint to why they seemed to be remaining under when the flower had already dissipated from their systems. It could be something internal seeing has Firestar had markings on her that suggest that somebot had been tampering with her systems on the outside while he had none, didn't mean something could be off with him inside.

He would have to get permission from one of the Lords first, usually he would have just gone ahead and done the examination but Nobles could be fickle when it came to things like this and sometimes took it wrong and he did not want to end up dead because of some tight aft prick.

Though it did mean he would have to chase down one of the mechs and be forced into conversation with them…perhaps he should find the golden one, he seemed alright during the story telling from last night but he had left in such a way that the medic wasn't sure on how to act around him.

He had encountered him this morning and the mech seemed to angry with him for some reason has though he was to be blamed for something horridness, the crimson twin just seemed overly cheerful for Primus know what. Plus he could do without being hit on again…he really didn't care how nice the pants made his aft…he didn't want it to be groped.

So…his best option would be Master Mirage…so far he seemed to be the more sensible one…now to find him this slagging place.

Nodding in agreement with himself and giving a quick check to his patients, he headed out the door and promptly ran into the familiar figure of Hound, who seemed as though he was just passing by.

"I'm sorry, I was just-", Ratchet paused as he noticed the trickle of energon flowing from the servants busted lip, he grabbed the other and hauled him into the room not allowing him to just give a quick explanation and leave. He hurried the green bot into a seat and went about getting the correct supplies to heal the wound, instantly knowing it must have came from a hard slap or something of equal force, he dapped the cut with a wet rag, "What happened?"

The mech didn't bother to look at him, his optics on the floor as though weighing in what his answer could do before sighing and keeping his helm hung low, "It seems I have angered Lord Mirage…"

"For what, all you have done is go out into town to retrieve items…is he angry at you for buying things?", he winced at the cut, he would have to weld the opening close before it got infected.

"Not buying stuff…how long it took…," the servant tensed, "look I should bring you into this and cause you to worry, I can fix it on my own."

"So this has happened before! Why are you still here then, you are hired help not a slave!"

He regretted his harsh tone as the younger flinched away, shaking his helm, he softened his voice, "Hound, tell what happened."

"I…Master is not always like this…it only happens from time to time…he just gets so angry and it's not like a usual kind of angry either…it's like he can't control it. I know he feels bad afterward for it, like he doesn't understand why he does it either…" a deep intake, "today was because I was late and he had asked why, I had told him it was because I had gotten caught up in a conversation, not unusual for me and it was going fine explaining it to him. He was even smiling abit and was just sipping away at his energon, just relaxing…then he asked me if it was with the tailor, I said no…it was with one of the femmes and before I could explain further…he threw the bottle at me."

"Hound, I've seen Noble bottles up close…those things are made from hard materials and are usually decorated with some heavy stuff! You could have been knocked out or killed with one of those to the right place!"

Another wince, "He doesn't mean to, I know he doesn't…besides it only has happened a couple of times…"

The statement was so sincerely spoken that the medic had to stare at the mech, "…Are you his lover?"

Now the poor servant looked embarrassed as slight blush spread across his features, "Of course not! Why would a Noble want me, when he could have anybody he pleases!"

Crystal optics just studied the green bot, displeased with the answer and current events before he set about fixing the cut, "But you wouldn't mind it if you were."

"I…I'm just a servant, Medic…and this was just an accident…please don't look further into this."

Ratchet wasn't sure if he could, he glanced at the other two figures…wondering…that perhaps there was something more to this 'curse' that lingered in the realm of something he dare not contemplate then that of superstitious beliefs.


The clink of swords echoed through out the room as the two figures dash toward each other once again in their mock battle, their war like howls directed to the other as the weapons were brought down again.

Sideswipe smirked as he watched the door behind his brother open and the small porcelain mech was led in by a maid, who promptly vanished back outside, "It seems we have a guest."

A snort and the golden mech glanced over his shoulder, his optics narrowing before he turned and hissed at his older twin, :He's wearing your clothes!:

The sword went back up and came back down with such force that the crimson bot barely had enough time to dodge it, :Easy, Sunny, I know you enjoy him with your scent all over him…but mine's better!:

Sunstreaker just growled and ignored him, opting to head over to their new audience of one, "Medic."

Crystal optics shuttered and both shared the feeling of smugness as the same optics glanced over their half dressed frames, knowing that the heat from their workout made their pants cling to them and the coolant to glitter across their exposed chassis. Their intakes caused the gentle rise and fall of their chest, catching the optics to stare and take in what a Noble should look like and not even the healer could resist and silently as one crossed his arms behind his helm to show off and the other placed his servos on his hips in a stance, they were tempting the white mech to come and have a taste.

"You need something from us Medic," the crimson mech smirked, "has something caught your attention?"

:He looks good in my old clothes.:

:Looks better without them.:

Ratchet snorted and crossed his arms, trying his best not to look at the defined chassis in front of, so he opted to try and glare at them in their faces…without his optics wondering down, "I need your permission for an internal exam on Inferno and Firestar, I know how some families are against the idea of letting somebot poke around their kin's internals."

"How can that tell us why she tried to kill Red?", the younger twin leaned closer to the healer, "what can looking at somebody's insides tell us her reasons?"

A growl escaped the smaller mech, "I have a theory but I need your permission to continue on, so is it a yes or a no?"

The taller bot straightened out and peered down at his guest, his optics taking a far off look as he contemplated with his brother, :I don't like this.:

:True…we can tell him to look at her but not Inferno…it would stop him from finding out and he would at least be satisfied enough with looking at one of their sparks.:

Sideswipe moved in front of his twin, "We will allow you to look at Firestar but not Inferno…one of us will be there to assist you in case something goes wrong."

:You want to watch him work incase he tries to look at our cousin.:

:Yes…and possibly try and get him into the berth…hmm…I would enjoy that…he already has my scent all over him now, every where that clothing touches him…on his chassis…along his aft…inside his thighs…oh, how yummy.:

:I will make you pay for this! I claimed him first.:

:I dearly look forward to it, besides you need to learn how to share.:

There was a hiss from the pearl medic, "How can I help them both if I can't look at them both!"

"Not our problem, besides you're a medic, you'll figure it out.", the red mech sheathed his sword and smiled, "now then, shall we escort you to lunch then? Red will be pleased to see you since his studies will be over and unable to distract him from his creators."

His brother followed the gesture before reaching over and dragging the smaller mech over to his side without a word, leading him out the door before a protest could be made, Sunstreaker gave a quick glare over his shoulder at his twin, whose grin just widened as their personal conversation went on without the healer knowing he was the topic, though the golden servo that had made it's home around his shoulders tightened and pulled him closer.

Perhaps the crow was for him afterall…the slight touch across his aft confirmed it…damn bird…

-A quick thanks to those who commented last chapter, renegadewriter8, darksirocco, darkeyes17, sideslip_tf. There will be more Twins and Ratch in the upcoming parts...but I hope you enjoyed this one!

character: sideswipe, author: chimeradark, character: ratchet, character: sunstreaker, rating: pg-13

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