Wrench of Inspiration Cometh for You!!

Nov 05, 2011 15:57

Hey all!

So a few Comm updates here.  First of all, for all of you following the Feelings Series,darkeyes_17 has just posted the new Jazz/Prowl arc and our last arc on the prowlxjazz community.  check it out or find it here ==> http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2636909/

And starting this month tomorrow and continuing for every month, bar challenge months, our weekly writer's block prompt which we are calling 'The Wrench of Inspiration' will have three prompts posted for you every week!  This is to help all of you with Writer's block.  Having a problem and can't seem to push past it? Take a break and come check out the weekly prompts!!

'The Wrench of Inspiration' can also be used to post ideas of what you want to see our favorite threesome do and maybe an author here will pick it up for you XD  Think of it like the TFAnon kink page, but solely Sunny, Sides and Ratch!

So check the comments on these posts people so you don't miss any!!  Also, if you do post ideas please be direct and descriptive so that author's know exactly what you want to see.  Vague is difficult to work with.  Kinks welcome!  Keep it structured and title your comments with the pairing and kink you're expecting.  keep the ideas structured please, otherwise it discourages people.

Last but not least, for those of you who pick up the prompts and/or the kink/fluff suggestions, here is the skeleton post for what the header should look like.

Kink OP and/or prompt: 'please link to comment or specific 'WoI' thread'
Credit: 'credit goes where credit is due.  Please credit the OP with their idea'

New tags will be added for these particular posts, and please use them.  The prompts being added will be WoI, kink adoption and writer's block.  You do not need to use all three but at the very least use the WoI so we know where it originated from.

Edit: This was pointed out to me, but art ideas and artists are welcome to pick these up as well.  So a modified skeleton for artists here!

Kink OP and/or prompt: 'please link to comment or specific 'WoI' thread'
Credit: 'credit goes where credit is due.  Please credit the OP with their idea'
Medium Used:

Thank You ~

~~  velvet_infinity

comm: info, mod hat, wrench of inspiration: info, kink: prompts

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