Title: Redemption Chapter 11 of ?
darkness_risingSeries/Verse: G1 I don’t want to call this a cross over but in my head canon, the Drones are essential the Vehicons from Transformers Prime but I will refrain from referring to them as Vehicons..
Kink OP and/or prompt:
Wrench of Inspiration #22 Prompt given by
ledishae - see Summary
Rating: NC17/M (For freedom of writing)
Disclaimer: This is a piece of fiction. No harm was intended in the creation of this work. All rights belong to the original creators.
Pairings: Sideswipe x Sunstreaker x Ratchet, other canon pairings may appear if the story needs it.
warnings: Mentions of twincest (may go further, but may not), dub-con spark bonding (listed as so for freedom of writing but rape is not the intention), potential sticky in later chapters , gaining pleasure through pain (twins) (minor), Non-canon death, violence, experimentation.
Read at my journal:
Chapter 11----------------------------------------------