(no subject)

Nov 17, 2013 22:24

Title: Breadcrumbs (15 sentences challenge)
Author: ledishae
Prompt: WoI #48 writing challenge: 15 sentences each one containing one of the following words: goat journey, tone, ivory, fuzzy, coat, icicle, oven, market, vine, werewolf, paisley, communication, chalkboard, prometheus.
Rating: PG13

1. goat
"He's just trying to get your goat -" Spike cut himself off at Ratchet's strange expression and gaped as the mech spoke, "But I don't have a goat!"

2. journey

Sunstreaker looked at Ratchet's sleeping face beside him, the healer was always there for them so why couldn't he be brave enough to start the journey to woo him?

3. tone

Fury, rage, sarcasm, sorrow, no matter the tone Ratchet used Sideswipe could always see the healer's spark in his optics.

4. ivory

"No, I will not paint him that color; Ratchet is white not ivory," Sunstreaker sneered at the quality paints the dealer offered and Sideswipe could only sigh.

5. fuzzy

Ratchet looked around the demolished camp, processors fuzzy from the blast and wondered if he was the last mech alive.

6. coat

Ratchet wondered if he had finally overworked himself to the breaking point when Sideswipe waltzed into his office in a garnet red sequined dress and light gray faux fur coat.

7. icicle

Sideswipe scrambled backwards from Onslaught, dragging his mangled frame from his opponent and grabbed the only weapon at hand; the icicle flew and pierced the mech's optic giving Sideswipe the chance to run.

8. oven

Ratchet pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, "Sideswipe, why do you want to give Carly a mech-sized stove?"

9. market

Sideswipe slunk through the dark halls of the Cybertron colony planet and eerily felt at home working its dangerous underground black market.

10. vine

Ratchet watched in horror as it spread, black and silver and encompassing his lovers' frames the parasitic vine wound ever closer to their sparks.

11. werewolf

Sunstreaker grinned hugely at his brother over Ratchet's helm as the medic hid his face from the attacking werewolf on the screen, "He likes me better."

12. paisley

Sunstreaker and Sideswipe leaned back with prideful smirks from Ratchet's recharging frame and admired the intricate paisley pattern covering his plating in kisses, crosses and 'OURS'.

13. communication

Sunstreaker stared bitterly at the vanishing form of the Ark that bore his brother and lover away, leaving him behind with only his destroyed communication array.

14. chalkboard

"I said I wanted a chalkboard, not - whatever this is!" Carly yelled at the idiotically grinning lamborgini twins and their 'touch grid' they had gifted to Daniel.

15. prometheus
"Prometheus gave man fire," Optimus intoned before his assembeled crew, "Ratchet gave us life; today we celebrate his union to the unholy terrors, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe let us rejoice in their bonding and pray any new sparks do not take after any of them."

character: sideswipe, author: ledishae, wrench of inspiration: fills, character: ratchet, character: sunstreaker, rating: pg-13, fanfiction

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