Title: Glimpses of our lives 3 (15 sentences challenge)
Author: darkness_rising
Series/Verse: G1
Kink OP and/or prompt: WoI #48 Writing challenge... 15 sentences, each containing one of the following words: Goat, Journey, Tone, Ivory, Fuzzy, Coat, Icicle, Oven, Market, Vine, Werewolf, Pasiley, Communication, Chalkboard, Prometheus
Rating: PG13/T
Disclaimer: This is a piece of fiction. No harm was intended in the creation of this work. All rights belong to the original creators.
Pairings: Sideswipe x Ratchet x Sunstreaker
Warnings: None
Summary: 15 Sentences giving us a glimps of the lives of Sideswipe, Sunstreaker and Ratchet
Read at my Journal ------------------------------------------------------